Eek, I don’t believe so. Also at this point I’m questioning my own judgement a bit and wondering how much benefit of doubt I should be giving or how to proceed still seeing the best in people.
This is not typical.
There are only very few sits without pets on THS. But if that is what you are looking for, maybe other agencies are more suitable.
That arrangement with you handling charity donations of stuff delivered on your doorstep - I find that quite unimaginable. And then dealing with a daughter. Very strange too.
Oh my! I never thought about that! I don’t use LinkedIn, so I never considered this, but this is very good feedback for the site to consider in improving their services. It was certainly something I brought up in conversation with the support worker, I said, “are there no repercussions, or is this not a breach of privacy or something in your policy??” They said it is not something currently considered by THS
THS did say I would have coverage though it is reimbursed after already paid. So I’m not sure I have enough money currently to cover this situation. I may need to sleep in my car for a night or 2, but it is what it is. Im still hoping there is a way for me to take advantage of this coverage we pay for. And though I do very much appreciate the support, especially the specific worker I spoke with, I do think there are still improvements that can be made within the company, re: personal safety, as my main concern was a male coming to the home to inspect today, and though the family managed the situation well, I asked what I could do if it turned out to be a threatening situation and was essentially told that if anything crosses the line into an actual physical threat to safety that THS could no longer be involved in any way which honestly scared me.
Yes, I understand that. I generally look for a variety of house sits depending on what the location/occasion calls for corresponding with my life at the time. For this specific time I had applied to about 4 different sits knowing that I really wanted to be in the area of my work especially for Jan 26-27 for my production dates, and wanted to make sure I got lower maintenance pets that could handle being alone for a bit longer time periods during those dates. Having this in mind, when I’m producing I’m also able to do a LoT of my work from home, so I am also as a result able to spend lots of that time with pets. When this sit popped up I felt like it was perfect for the occasion.
However, re: taking donations being unusual, I am also used to going above and beyond for the people/places/companions I care for, so I did feel a little guilty almost? For not having more to do here, I also used to be a social worker and have done charity work my entire life, so when the opportunity presented itself I loved the idea of being helpful and also hopefully making a difference. One of the main reasons I do housesitting is because I feel more of a sense of fulfillment in helping and caring for others I certainly am lacking in the entertainment industry . I also have always been willing to meet with/allow children in the house of sits, especially when it’s with companions as I know they may have belongings there/or just miss their loved ones! I didn’t actually realize this was an unusual practice until this experience… always learning so many years later.