Home owner hasn't left a review

I am very new to THS as a HO not a sitter. Only had 2 sitters so far, both last year. Each of them had a couple of positive reviews and as I learned were quite new to THS. That being said, IMO a HO should provide a review without being asked. But my question is should a HO give a 3 star or less review (knowing it probably will be harmful to the sitter) or no review at all?

Of the 2 sitters, one was wonderful and the other was mediocre at best. So I gave the wonderful sitter a 5 star review and the mediocre sitter no review at all. (I spoke with the mediocre sitter after the sit and gave what I hope was constructive feedback). I am still in touch with the other sitter.

The reason I chose not to provide a review to the mediocre sitter was because it would have been 3 stars. So rather than that I took a “do no harm approach”.

So, what do you all think?