Homeowner from Ireland saying hi

Hi all, Eleanor here from Co. Monaghan just south of the border with Northern Ireland. We are homeowners who have just confirmed our second house sit. Last one was a great experience and I’m sure this one will too. It’s a fabulous way for us to get away for our family break by the sea while being sure our beloved Springer Spaniel and 3 equally beloved cats are happy as well, and as our house is in the middle of lovely green fields we hope it might be a nice break for someone who wants a bit of country living as well. Part of my motivation for joining the community forum is that we were quite surprised not to get as many offers this year as we did last year, despite now having good feedback, when last year we had none as it was our first sit. And yet I see sitters saying they are finding it hard to get sits…Maybe having a presence on the forums might mean we get a bit more interest next time? Anyway, hello to everybody, glad to be a part of such a positive community.


Hi @ElEd welcome and thank you for joining us from the beautiful Emerald Isle … my eyes gravitated to the words “beloved Springer Spaniel” my first sit with THS 11 years ago was with Woody an ex army sniffer dog and I’ve been owned by six of these beautiful creatures, mad as hatters often but the most lovable and loyal dogs. So happy to hear you’ve had a wonderful first sit and soon to be second.

Please don’t be too concerned about the volume of applications, this is a different time and travel habits are all over the place, hopefully as travel continues to “normalise” we will find things settling back down.

Enjoy the conversations and connecting with our members from around the world.

Angela & The Team


thanks Angela. Spot is the most gorgeous wee soul, but he is our first and very probably last pedigree dog- he’s a rescue, bred to the gun, and we found out too late that he was probably dumped as his owner was smart enough to recognise a developing limp as a serious elbow issue that Springers are prone to. Wouldn’t swap him for the world now, but boy are his veterinary issues traumatic and expensive! He is the most loving and gentle soul though and we are lucky to have him. Have just had to get him a new bed as the cat bullied him out of his and took it over!


Oh bless him, thank you for rescuing him … I’m not surprised the cat got his bed he is a Springer after all :heart_eyes_cat:

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Welcome @ElEd! Greetings from across the pond!
Your pup and place sound serene.

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Hello from across the big pond!

My husband and I hope to make our way to your lovely country at some point in the not too distant future. Unfortunately due to COVID-19 and all the uncertainty around travel restrictions, we are limiting our house/pet sits to the U.S. at this time.

I wish you shamrocks and good luck with all your sit searches. :shamrock:


I just found a pet sit next year near Cork. We FaceTimed a wonderful couple who moved to Ireland last year and adopted the neighbor’s cats who were ignored by their owners. Three years ago a pet owner canceled on us one week before our flights to Dublin. We still had to fly to Dublin and fortunately we scored a last minute opportunity in the Scottish Highlands. Then last year WE had to cancel two sits in Ireland due to Covid. Keeping our fingers crossed and still looking for another opportunity before a return pet sit in France. Sometimes it works out for the better, although last year it included an Irish wedding and us bringing their pet to the ceremony!

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A warm Kiwi greeting to you Eleanor.
We are so excited about finally getting back to the northern hemisphere after 18mths of having our wings clipped.
We haven’t really experienced covid in New Zealand but we’re fully vaccinated and can’t wait to fly out to Europe next week and then into the UK and Ireland.
We’ve managed to secure some nice sits in the uk and looking for some in Ireland now. (Lucky I have an Irish passport as well as a NZ one!).
After 18mths of uncertainty, I’m sure both homeowners and sitters will find the search becomes easier. good luck