We're from Ireland

Hi, My name’s Dominika and I’ve recently posted our first listings as HO. And I keep changing it😀. Couple of months ago we’ve started home educating our two daughters and hope to travel a bit more. We’re currently in Poland and our two dogs are in the kennel. Hope the next time we’re away they will be able to sleep in their own beds.


@Domini , hello! Well, you came to the right place. Welcome to THS and the forum!

Why don’t you add your listing to your forum profile. Here are the directions for doing that: How to Add Your Listing or Profile to Your Forum Profile

Then you can ask experienced members to critique it. It will reach more people and they will give you suggestions to make it the best it can be.

It will be so much better for your dogs to stay in their own home, it will be much cheaper for you, you’ll have the freedom to go anywhere you like as often and for as long as you like and your house will be occupied. I can give you an example of the benefit of this. There have been storms where I am sitting at present. The wind and rain blew over a potted plant that fell against the hose spigot and opened it wide. I woke up to the sound of rushing water, saw nothing on in the house but went outside and discovered it and was able to turn it off. Imagine if the house had been empty and this had been going on for days. It could have come through the walls and damaged the house, let alone what the water bill would have been.

Also use the little spy glass in the upper right to enter questions and search terms, as many topics have been discussed and you will learn a lot. Don’t hesitate to post any question or concern if you haven’t found the answer there. People here are very helpful.

Enjoy! You will have a big support system here.


Hi @Domini. Welcome to TrustedHousesitters, to our community here in the forum, and to pet sitting in general. I’m so glad you found us and have introduced yourself. Thanks for joining us.


Hello @Domini and welcome to TrustedHousesitters and to the Community Forum :wave:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

As @mars mentioned, you can also add your TrustedHousesitters profile to your profile on here by following the attached link, should you wish.
This will then enable others to offer helpful advice and feedback and of course give your listing more coverage!

If you are unsure how to do this or if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask, we are all more than happy to help. :blush:

Do you have any photos of your dogs that you can share on here? We would love to see! :dog:

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Thanks Guys, I’m currently on my phone only and see that adding links is not easy this way, so will do this when I’m back home. Thanks a lot