Homeowner photos

I’m interested CatStaff - what is your reason for not doing video calls? As a sitter, I personally hate video chats and thought I may be the only sitter who feels this way. I’ve done over 30 house sits without doing one until just this year and recently done three but I prefer not to. I don’t want to feel like I’m applying for a job. I prefer an old-fashioned chat on the phone.

Please see my further response earlier regarding the need to see a photo of the sitter. Video calls are preferable to phone calls for us as both my husband and I can participate and likewise if there’s a couple applying…… a sitter who refused to do a video call would not be accepted to sit for us.
I still cannot see why a sitter would need to see pictures of us prior to applying……photos could be supplied if for example we were meeting a sitter at the station, although we would already have had a video chat.
The only reason I can see for a sitter to need to see a photo BEFORE applying is so they could avoid the sit by making a judgement based on our appearance….

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Doing a video call is not a requirement from THS, it’s just your demand. Which is okay, you can demand whatever you like, but to suggest people would like to see photos of hosts just so they can be discriminatory is a weird interpretation and grossly insulting.

You have your preference for video calls, I have a preference for no video calls. In a wonderful example of serendipity, our paths will never cross, and I’m good with that.

Over 20 pet-sits and over 40 home exchanges, I’m good without video.

I totally agree with you CatStaff. I didn’t bring up this topic to be discriminatory in any way re the suggestion of homeowners posting photos. I also agree that video chats are not necessary. I’ve proven that with over 30 plus house sits with excellent reviews without having a video chat.

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THS - when we can close this topic? Thanks!

This topic is being closed at the original poster’s request.