Homeowners’ roommates home during sit

Three times in as many days I’ve seen active HO profiles where “my roommate will be here” or “I have a boarder who lives here Mon-Fri.” Obviously they haven’t read the rules or has something changed? Does THS want to know about this or do we just move on?


It’s worth it to write to THS. I’ve always gotten a response when I’ve reported listings, but in some cases I’ve found their responses confounding.


Send the listing to support@trustedhousesitters.com with the subject line “Listing breaks Ts & Cs” and they usually do something. It’s annoying as a report button would be way easier but it is what it is……#noroommatethankyou


I reported a listing the other day for breaking the 3rd party rule. The listing is still there with no changes.

I need this emoji :flushed::flushed::flushed:

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Don’t give up! If the THS support person blows you off, insist on talking to a manager.


THS responded to me within hours when I reported a listing via email. In addition to reiterating the rules about a third party in the house, s/he said, “I appreciate you reporting this listing to us. I will be reaching out to XXXX and remind him of our code of conduct.”


I reported a listing that advertised their apartment for rent on THS and THS removed the ad.


I reported a listing that had a lodger mentioned, and when I next looked I saw this mention had been removed. Whether or not the lodger had been removed is another matter.



In a recent exchange in which I notified THS that a third party is on the property (in an adjoining suite w/accees to sitter’s space through the kitchen and shared access to the backyard), the homeowners modified the listing but still advertised it anyway. So a sitter who applies might not understand the full situation and clarity only depends on what the HO is willing to divulge.

Having a third party on the property is against THS policy and, independent of that policy, potentially impinges on the safety and privacy of a sitter.


I’m on a sit now where that has occurred. I came to the sit a few days early with the HO consent, but the day the HO was leaving is when I was told that a male renter will be moving in. As a single female traveler I believe this information should have been shared with me either in the welcome guide or when I first arrived.


This. I learned about a roommate during the intro call. It was NOT mentioned in the listing, and there was no roommate during previous sits (so not mentioned in reviews).

You would have every right to leave this sit, but either way, please mention this in your review. How aggravating.


You are entirely within your rights to leave the sit as the HO has broken Ts & Cs by allowing a third party into the property during a sit. You can tell them that & ask that the renter leave or take over the pet sitting duties and you will go.


@Katie , @MrsDowdy71 it looks like this is another question to ask in our intro call. And hope the HO is being open and honest about it.

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How scary to arrive and find someone else there! Yes, I’d be packing my bags and getting out of there. But where do you go? A conundrum and so disrespectful.


@MrsDowdy71 its against the rules for trusted housesitters for homeowners to have third parties on the property whilst you are sitting.

Tell them that and leave - you are spending you time effort and energy and do not deserve to be unhappy for a single second when you are donating care voluntarily.


Yes, I travel alone and with the HO knowing this, I felt I should have let me know so that I could have not accepted the sit and arranged for other accommodations while visiting the area.


@MrsDowdy71 its known as a bait and switch - it is not normal and not acceptable - you do not need to stay. The HO is completely at fault, has broken the rules. You can contact trusted housesitters and get it cancelled officially. If you have premium membership you should be covered by the cancellation insurance


I’ve added this to the end of my sitter profile:

A friendly heads up about dealbreakers for sits:

• Family members, roommates, tenants or visitors at the home during my sit, for privacy and safety reasons. (Exceptions: If you have a cleaner, gardener or pool cleaner who’ll be there, please let me know ahead of time, because I telecommute.)
• Indoor cameras.
• Aggressive pets.
• Undeclared health conditions in pets, including pills or injections I’d need to give them.

The above violate Trusted Housesitters terms. I mention that for hosts who are new to the site or are otherwise unfamiliar. It would be a shame for our sit or your travel to be disrupted by avoidable problems.