House Sitter Profile Location

Hello everyone!

I’ve struggled with this field for some time - since we are fully nomadic with no home base, we have to choose a location.

Sometimes we choose a location where we want to do more house sits. Call it an aspirational location.

We used to have in there where we used to live before we set out to travel full time in 2015.

Either way, this feels disingenuine as we don’t live…anywhere.

I’ve tried to leave this blank, but the system simply reverts back to whatever we had set it to previously.

Is there a “location independent” option on the roadmap?

TIA! Love you!


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Hi there @GoZacGo
This is my take on this.
Be aspirational :blush:
I started changing my location to the future because that’s where I am headed (or am). I explain in my profile and/or application where I am from (US) but location independent.
Some don’t get it, that’s cool they don’t have to and they don’t get me.
Others love it.
It’s not disingenuous it’s a actually reality.
Me I am a proud vagabond
PS I love you too.


I asked for this a few years ago and it would be useful but still no option. As @Amparo suggests and @Colin has in the past, enter the place you’re travelling to (or aspiring to stay) and owners from those areas might invite you.


I feel the love!

I’m heading towards aspirational for sure. So from now on I’m from Tokyo. :slight_smile:


We get invitations from wherever we have the city set, but they are never really the right times, :frowning:

But aspirational it is!


Point of view as a pet parent: It can be confusing if someone has NYC for example, as a location and then it’s clear from the application they aren’t in NY. I think for clarity, it would make sense if you just changed it to where you are when you are applying. That is where you are “based” at that moment and how my location fits into your plans. For example: “We are currently in California, but heading east with a sit in your city in early December, so we’ll be there to meet you before your Christmas week sit starts.”


This is a good insight, thank you!

In every application we say where we are currently. Mainly for time zone/video call clarity. :slight_smile:


It sounds like Trusted Housesitters should have a ‘No Fixed Abode’ option. Would solve the problerm of contiually changing location etc.


It’s been discussed since at least 2021


Quick question. I have both a listing and a sitter profile. I don’t even know where in my dashboard the profile is or how I would change it if I wanted to. Is it easy to just switch the info? How? (Probably wouldn’t apply to me. I have pets and sits are short getaways.)

We too have no home base. We live and travel in our campervan and often don’t know where our next location might be until we get there! Would be so great @GoZacGo if THS took up your suggestion of “location independent” or no fixed abode. We are willing to travel anywhere if the sit fits us whether that is in planes, trains or automobiles!

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