House swapping on THS?

I don’t know of any other sites that offer swaps for pet sitting, do you?

I would love to have the option of a forum or website section for people looking for direct simultaneous or non-simultaneous house swap that doesnt have specific dates attached for flexible travelers looking to explore new places. leaving pets at home and sitting for each other.

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Welcome @BrookeAndLynae and thank you for your feedback which I’m sure Ben will take under consideration when the team are next discussing possible new services. Enjoy the forum and we look forward to seeing you join in the conversations :slight_smile:

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I’ve come across 2 ads in the last few days asking for house swaps.

@Therese-MembershipService is that THS diversifying or is it just a coincidence? (never seen it before)

For other sitters/owners: would this be something you would consider?

Hi @Els I hope you don’t mind but I’ve moved your question here on to a thread already dedicated to the topic of house swapping. In answer to your question, no there’s no diversification and if there are listings that suggest a house swap rather than a house sit, then these owners need to be contacted. If you have any recollection of where they were (location) please do let us know and Therese will pickup on these. Thanks so much and Happy New Year for tomorrow!!


Thanks Vanessa!

The last one was in Haarlem, Netherlands. A few days ago there was one in Prague, but that one seems to have disappeared…

Have a lovely end of the year too and a great start to 2022!

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5 posts were split to a new topic: How to scroll through a topic in forum

If I spot house swap ones (or today’s just a dog walk ad :roll_eyes:) I ormally send the link to memb services.


Thankyou Els… I’ll check these out and flag them :slight_smile:

I belong to Home Exchange and have discussed with a few people on THS about doing house swaps and leaving our pets. We utilize both side of THS. I think it’s a great idea to add this feature. There are a lot of home exchanges that do not allow pets or people that can’t do home exchanges because they have pets. I am not sure why anyone would be opposed to this idea.

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Hi @claudinekent I am not opposed to the idea at all. However, I am concerned that additional features may detract staff from focussing on their current to-do list. They only have so many work hours, and can only get so much done in that time. Some might suggest that the solution would be to hire more staff, but increasing costs ultimately must get passed on in membership fees.

I’d prefer to see the product staff’s time dedicated to their high-priority items, some of which have been identified here on the forum; to focus on what’s of benefit to the majority of members.


You make a good point if it would indeed distract administration. I believe the real question to any organization is will it bring in new revenue? I have no idea if it would or not.


Hello all! Barbara and I, David, are new to THS. We hope to sit and travel and meet new friends (people and animals)! We also hope to develop friendships with folks wishing to sit with our two docile cats, Felix and Stella, and to enjoy all that the mountains, lakes, rivers and so much more central Idaho has to offer.

We anticipate both short and long times that we will be away. I am interested to hear whether there might be other THS members interested in swapping pet and house care as well, and in so doing experience different parts of our fragile and beautiful world.


Welcome David and Barbara, from another Barbara. :slight_smile:

Before we joined THS, we spent quite a bit of time looking into the whole house swapping idea but could never find people from places we wanted to go, who wanted to come here at the same time as we wanted to go away.

Overall, I think the great thing about being an owner/sitter at THS, is the ability to do a three way swap. You post your home for a sit and find a perfect sitter, you look for a sit with similar dates in the place you are interested in visiting. They may not always be a perfect date match, but you can often get pretty close.

Anyway, good luck and welcome to THS!


Hello and welcome to the forum. You might want to take a look at two earlier posts where forum members give feedback on this topic:

House swapping on THS?

How to do ‘exchange’ travel - I watch your pet, you watch mine?


Thank you for your email and your comments on the forum.


@DavidE We are both HO and sitters, we have 1 cat and have been wanting to see Idaho. We are booked for 2022 but would be interested to start talking about a swap, if we can figure out the logistics since we are on opposite sides of the country. I message you.

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Hello -
I joined last May 2022 when retiring and wanting to take a 3 week trip…without worrying about my Bootsie, and wanting to avoid expense. I am a world traveler who recently stumbled upon TrustedSitters - I LOVE it - so far, so great. I’ve done three trips, and had two sitters who were fabulous.

Now I want to try sitting for someone in a place I want to go. What I can’t seem to do is find a way to propose an EXCHANGE with HO/PS’s who might want to visit Boston, USA. People open to coordinating on dates where I go to their place to watch their kitty(s), while they come to mine to watch my Bootsie. I tend to think it’s an ideal situation - we’d both have strong stakes in everything going well.

I can find no feature on this site that helps enable that sort of thing. Am I just missing it? For now, I’m planning on creating a sit, and then doing a private invite to it with a dual HO/PS and propose the exchange in the invite. Would that be cheeky of me? Is it even allowed? Have any of you ever tried or done that before?
Nancy from Boston

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It’s not really what the site was built for and based on my friends who do home exchanges without pets, it can be fairly difficult to organize. plus how would you do handover if you both need to be at each other’s homes on the same start/end dates? I have a friend who finds a sit they want to do and then finds a sitter to come to her house and take care of her dog while she’s gone. That seems to work a lot better and gives everyone transition time.


Hi @Nan4canada

While we don’t have home swapping on the site, you have received great feedback on that from other members already, we do have a COMBINED MEMBERSHIP plan which allows members to enjoy both sides of our win win win (the third win is for the pets) which I believe you have already and enjoying sitting as well as having sitters.