Housesit where the owners keep nonstop visiting us? Feeling frustrated

We have started a housesit last Thursday, for 3 months. Luckily there’s no animals to get attached to, as we’re getting very frustrated. the owners have non stop kept visiting us and we’ve only been here 5 days. Do you think we should say something, as I believe the rules are no visitors , and sitters are meant to be left alone. We’re considering leaving as it feels unusual and inappropriate, like they don’t seem to trust us? Any advice I’d be grateful for!

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Welcome @Jasangele! How strange. Why do they have housesitters if they’re there to do the job themselves? Are they maybe leaving for holiday soon, and just want to make sure you’re settled in?

Did you not discuss with them where they’re off to and how to stay in touch during the 3 months? This should then give you an idea when they’re off (hopefully soon!).

We would absolutely hate HO’s popping in everyday. Can’t settle in.


I wouldn’t be at all happy with that set up either. I have had this happen to me in the past during an overseas sit. THS member services were supportive as they told me it was a breach of the no third party entry policy. It was a very awkward and uncomfortable situation though so you have my sympathy.


@Jasangele this is definitely against rules so please reach out to and have them assist you with this problem.


This is very weird. Have you asked the owners why they keep visiting and aren’t away? I can understand you’d want to leave…and, yes, it is against THS policy

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If you are considering leaving, then you do not have anything to lose by having a conversation with them first. I understand it could be difficult but there is nothing wrong with valuing your privacy. In today’s day in age, it is considered rude to pop in on anyone without setting up an appointment first.

If I were you, I would try and set some boundaries with them. The sit itself sounds like an unusual arrangement since they are in the area. Maybe you can kindly request that they give you a 24-hour notice before arriving, just like a landlord, or that they have a weekly appointment. And if they are not willing to respect your boundaries then you can leave. If it were me, I would just ask them if and why they feel anxious about the sit and if they would prefer to cancel it. That way, you can let them know that this is irregular while giving them the power to make the decision.

I just read @Debbie-L post. I actually did not realize that it is against the rules so that is good to know!!!


Yikes! I would be so uncomfortable with this, especially if they’re just showing up with no notice! I’m curious why they felt they needed a sitter when it seems they haven’t gone anywhere!?
Although I haven’t had this exact situation, I had one similar where the person showed up everyday, unannounced and stayed all day usually…I ended the sit early. My advice would be to reach out to THS support, I really wish I did…mine was atleast local but I can’t imagine travelling from afar an experiencing what you are, with no escape! Report it for your own sanity but also future sitters :slight_smile:


Hi @Jasangele - have you managed to resolve this issue with support and the HOs?

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Any members finding themselves in need of help and guidance regarding on sit or member to member concerns can reach out to the Membership Services Team.

Thanks to everyone who has helped with feedback and advice for @Jasangele we will now close this conversation.

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