How do you know your kitty trusts you?

Hey everyone!

Cats are funny little creatures. They have their own weird ways of showing they trust and love us. I thought it might be fun to swap stories!

How can you tell when a cat really trusts you?

Whether it’s some quirky behaviour, a funny habit, or a little gesture, we want to hear all about it. Let’s celebrate close bonds with our feline friends!

Can’t wait to see what you have to share!

Jenny :smiley_cat:


This little guy on my current sit, every time I want to have a shower, he zoomies into the cubicle ahead of me and tries to stay. When I close him out of the bathroom, he keeps his little paw under the door until I come out. Insists on sitting on my lap on the loo, now THAT’S trust! :rofl::heart_eyes_cat:


When they sleep with you. I love that.

My favorite cat sit involved one who ADORED having his face and head brushed. He slept with me once he got over his skittishness and he’d gently “comb” my hair, as if I’d enjoy it as much as he did.

His human was amazed that I managed to get him hopping onto the easy chair and getting brushed, because he didn’t do that normally. He also loved getting his belly rubbed or brushed. He was floofy, so petting him was like touching a cloud.


He’s adorable, must still be a kitten

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Dorito a kitty I’ve done 3 sits with , a senior rescue who’d been stray is amazingly trusting considering his backstory. He slept with me every night including atop my head and is just an overall sweetheart.


That’s so cute!

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Obviously :heart_eyes_cat:;
when they purr, snuggle beside you whether in bed, on the lounge or on the floor.
When they wrap their tail around your arm.
When they roll over and stretch exposing their tummy for rubs, scratches and brushing.
When they make you feel that all is well, be like me you silly human.


Lots of my pics with cats were taken during supposedly private moments.
They’re like kids, do not go too far but leave me alone till I say so.

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He won’t take his eyes off you


This rescue is a menace when it comes to other cats, but he loves humans and belly rubs.


The fully exposed belly.


You are told by the owner he/she is not a lap cat and they are on your lap before their departing family has even got down the drive!


When they let you pick them up and hold them and their body is totally relaxed.


I think when cats allow you to do stuff that may not feel great – give them injections, clip their nails, get them in the carrier to the vet. These are sure signs.

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When she walked over my face:

According to the listing, this was a shy cat. And that was true in the beginning: she kept her distance, and hissed or lashed at me when I got too close. But slowly and cautiously, she got closer day by day. This photo was at the end of the month.


This guy followed me from room to room. Plus, he let me pick him up, which his humans said he didn’t do with other folks. Also presented me with a dead mouse.

His quirks included enjoying having bits of dried food tossed, so he could block shots like a soccer goalie. He also enjoyed opera and I spoke to him in broken Italian, because his primary human was from Italy.


Ooh, the coveted dead mouse gift!


One of my sit cats would summon me into the living room and I could never figure out why, other than to keep him company. (He’d meow till I followed him.)

It wasn’t for lack of food, water or toys in the other room, where I spent most of my time, because it was a combo guest room and office and I telecommute. I also brushed him in there. Plus, he had a cat tree and a window seat in the guest room / office.

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When they give you a jolly good wash! On my last sit one of the cats thoroughly exfoliated my hands and arms. On another sit, I ended up with a sore patch on my forehead.