How does this work?

So how dose this work once i pick what membership I want, do I book my break first ,then ask for a sitter or is it better the other way ask for a sitter with rough dates then once i have a confirmed sitter then book break…

Hi. I’m a sitter and suggest that either way works. Whichever you choose, be clear in your listing. If your dates are not firm, explain that and why, and say if they may be, for example, off by a day or two either side.

If they are booked, try to add into your description your expectations of the sitter e.g.“We’d like you to arrive the day before as we have early flights, and would be happy to have you join us for a meal and stay in our guest-room.” Similar for the last day in that, if you explain when you expect to return, it helps the sitter. Otherwise your ‘firm’ dates may actually need a day either side of those. Details are important to sitters too.

There are other factors to consider, but those came to mind for me.

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Thank you, this is very helpful, I Have used home sitters before for Ruby and Jet , but the company went bust and I lost money because I had days banked from a holiday that was cancelled, So this is me starting fresh again, and learning how trusted house sitters work.

Hi @Rebs10 I’m so sorry you had to experience that, with TrustedHousesitters you only pay an annual subscription… this page from our website will answer many of the questions you may have and please ask our members here on the forum, they have experience and knowledge to share and you will find them helpful and supportive.

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