How soon do I list? How soon is too soon?

Hi, what is the rule of thumb for the listing timing? My vacations are usually booked 3-6 months in advance. I would love to hear the experiences on listing timing.

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@PixieChloe we are sitters . I don’t know if this helps but , last week on one day we confirmed a sit for 1 months time and an another sit for 11 months time .

The one in 1 months time is a great sit and also fills a gap between sits that we had already confirmed ( we are full-time sitters ) and the one for 11 months time is in a specific place that we want to visit and is also a fantastic sit .

If your dates are certain and they are during a busy holiday period (when lots of other house sits will be listed ) I recommend listing sooner rather than later .


This has been asked many times before. Here’s an example which may help you:

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We like to know where we are going and when, so we’re booked for 2024, and I’ve got a booking as far ahead as Oct 2025.

I would say, if you have your dates organised, pop an advert up for them, your perfect sitter could be a like minded person who thinks like you do.


I think you could list whenever you want. I’ve seen lists a year out to which I thought “no way!” I couldn’t book something that far ahead – but many folks do. On the other hand, I got one international sit with 4 days’ notice; I don’t know how long they’d had it listed for.
I wouldn’t apply far ahead because anything can happen and things can get cancelled. I have less-certain plans than many people. But, if you have something booked far enough ahead and a sitter has to cancel, you at least have more time to look for a replacement.

I can tell you that as a sitter, I’m already looking at dates in December 2024 and January 2025 in locations I’d like to visit. So I’d say get your listing out there as soon as you know your dates.

Good luck!


We have sits booked as far in advance as March 2025 so if you know you know. Then you can relax about your trip. Get it posted! #nevertooearly


Thank you, guys! Posting them now.