We just listed a 6-week sit in October at our home in Pennsylvania, USA. The age-old question arises: is this too early to post it or is posting two months in advance the better choice? One could say “You’ll see if anyone applies” but honestly, there are so many sits it is easy for one’s listing to get lost on the THS site. Our profile does have a link to the listing, if you want to check it out. Thank you for your feedback!
Well as a sitter I am already looking for sits as far ahead as next March. Many sitters who need to book flights try and book early to get the best deals.
I guess posting early is good for long sits. I think the sitters who typically look for those are planning pretty far in advance.
For a long sit I think it’s OK to list now already, but preferences vary and who knows what will be in October (more lockdowns?). Two months would be preferable from our perspective.
Don’t tempt fate!
As sitters, we appreciate seeing the sitting opportunities far in advance so we can plan accordingly. Yours looks like a lovely sit and unfortunately we’re already making plans in another region or we would apply. Good luck in finding your perfect match!
It would be great if homeowners posted further out.
I’d love to have 6 months + scheduled at all times. This way I’m not zigzaging all over the place. Flight prices have made a steep increase. The more time the better.
Yes, things do happen. That’s what insurance is for. Example:
When a 6-week sit canceled, it was fine. Airlines don’t charge change fees, plus the trip was insured, although I haven’t needed it. The sit I was at extended their trip since I was available. Then, a new sit was scheduled for a couple who almost canceled their honeymoon because their normal sitter canceled.
So far there are still 5 gap days. If a sit doesn’t come along, I can stay in a hotel (paid in part by insurance) or, one of my precious home owners invited me to their house. Flights are about $800 to home, even when searching for flights 7 weeks in advance.
It all works out in the end
I’m also trying to organise 2023 and appreciate some forward planning especially if the sit involves international travel and flights. Post as early as you can!
Insurance is definitely a good idea. The sits planned more than 2-4 months ahead that we have accepted very often got cancelled for one reason or another (not only because of Covid / restrictions) and it happens very often that the dates change by a few days (our current hosts got rebooked 3 times and then they had to rebook themselves a fourth time because a parent was dying).
I will need a sitter in mid February for 37 days and am wondering when will be the best time to publish the dates. Should I do it earlier than I normally would because of the length?
I am in Vancouver WA and do not get as many applicants as I did in California. It will be winter here although the winters are not normally harsh.
@Cawall This is not an answer to your question but I have two suggestions about your listing. For your heading I would remove the first part as that’s a given. The second part is more likely to draw people in. I would also follow up with your most recent sitter by exchanging reviews. Having the most recent sitter not provide feedback can be seen as a concern by some sitters.
I cannot see how to change the title.
What do people do if they have a sitter they would not recommend?
Hi @Cawall in your account dashboard there is a box and it says “Edit Listing” … click on that and a editing page will open, the “Listing Title” is the last heading … click edit and change
Hi @Cawall I hope you are managing to change your title with instructions I’ve sent also I’m going to DM you about the second part of your question, re: sitter, so that I can help you on a one to one basis.
I am booked through Nov. and am looking to next year so I would say post now, especially if you feel your sit will draw people who will fly or is for an extended period. A short sit that will draw new pet sitters to the platform, I would post closer to your departure. We have booked 9-12 months ahead and then created an itinerary around the sit. However, I have not posted my home for next fall because I am waiting to learn if my son will be living at home. I do not like to post until all details are confirmed. I had a pet sitter cancel and had to re-post with under a weeks notice. I had no problem getting good applicants who were looking to build a greater review portfolio.
as I sitter I prefer to have sits posted earlier. We are full time sitters and as such need to plan ahead. I am often surprised at sits for 6 weeks or more posted with just a month before needed. It is rare that sitter would be available for such a long period at such short notice. We are fully booked to the end of November this year. As full time sitters we do not anticipate not being able to do a sit we have committed to unless some tragedy were to befall, and in that case, as there are two of us one of us would honour the commitment to sit if at all possible
Would you like to spend 5 weeks in Vancouver WA in mid Feb?
Maybe it would appeal to skiers perhaps?
We’re looking for a dog sitter for 6 weeks from Sept. We live in Santa Monica/LA & have a 1+ year old adorable pooch, Chelsie. Just wondering what else need to do—have been member for awhile, but 1st time on Forum—didn’t know about it!
Any help/input much appreciated.
Hi @baf and welcome to the forum. Creating a detailed listing is the best way to find a good housemate for Chelsie. Here’s a blog post to help with that:
How to create the perfect listing
You can also embed your listing in your forum username/profile so that forum members can view it and give constructive feedback.
How to add your listing to your forum username/profile
There are lots of interesting posts on the forum. You can use the spyglass to search key words. If you don’t have an answer to your question, post it and forum members will do their best to help you.