I am choosing to respond to this post, how to create the perfect owner listing, so that it will once more be visible. The sage advice in that blog post, if overlooked, can often result in sits not being filled.
Sitters repeatedly support the content of that blog post. Many sitters say that when a listing is inadequate in its content, they will not apply and ask for further information.
Some listings have titles that show dates (unnecessary anyway) that are from months, and sometimes years ago. Or the title refers to Christmas and the sit is in September. Some sitters will not even click on the listing to read those. Yet another missed opportunity for an owner. A simple edit to create an inviting listing title can make a world of difference.
Owners, please take the time to review your listing, including (and especially) if it is not your first time listing. It’s no longer acceptable to list without core photos - exterior, pet(s), and interior ones that include living room, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom that the sitter will be using. As for listing details, generally speaking, more is better.
Many sitters are reading listings every day. Please don’t give them any reason to pass yours by.
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