How To Choose The Perfect Pictures For Your Owner Listing

When creating a successful owner listing, there are several things to consider in order to entice sitters, from writing an engaging introduction to taking great photos of your pets and home. Your listing is your chance to show off your home and pets to potential sitters, and representing your home as accurately as can be will help you on your way to finding the perfect sitter in no time.

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Hi @Provence , When I see few or no indoor pictures on a HO listing, I usually assume it is because the inside is not very nice and the HO doesn’t want to put off potential sitters, or the HO is very concerned about privacy. If it is the latter, under Home and Location, I think the homeowner should go into more detail about the kitchen, TV, bedroom and bath the sitter will be using and other amenities and state that they will gladly send pictures privately to applicants.

As for profile pictures, unless they are a single headshot, most of the little thumbnails in the upper right corner are so small (and they don’t enlarge), they’re practically useless to me.


Even though this has been covered in the past, I want to request of the HO again that they not post real estate photographs of the inside of their home. This does not give the prospective sitter the true picture of where they will be living. For me, I tend to stay away from the unknown. I just saw a listing that looked very attractive. It was in a cool city that I have never been to, the dog was a high-energy breed that would get me out three times a day for long walks, the dates were perfect, but the photos were all pre-fabbed, so … not interested.

One small thing that I think could make a big difference:
I see a fair amount of house sit listings that have been photographed at night.

For many sitters, we’re going to be spending a lot of time in your home, possibly working virtually, and it’s helpful to see what the rooms look like during the daytime, with sunlight.
(Also, photos with natural light are often more attractive, and it’s easier to actually see the contents of the room.)

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And please make your primary picture reasonable. A picture of the castle on the hill is not appropriate if you live in a one bedroom flat on the third floor of a 60s style block.

There’s nothing wrong living in what i described, I’ve done it myself, but don’t be misleading.