How to get good pictures of cats?

Take a video and when playing it back hit pause. Then, drag the video until you have a good shot and take a screen shot f the the video. Do that as often as needed to get the right image. Works every time!


Zorro … My photographic tip lay flat in the grass while the hunter is hunting



I love getting photos of our cats while we’re gone, but the other photos really make me happy that our “neighbors” are welcoming visitors to our home.

What beautiful neighbors you have, wouldn’t want to get on their bad side.

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There’s a reason our cats don’t get to go outside and play. :joy:

Beauties! Nature is so amazing.

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Bringing their attention to something above them. When they look up you can get some fun angles. Making sure you have the light behind you. Cats can move quickly so being fast is also helpful.