How to move on?

How do I word my conversation to the HO when I am cancelling my offer - when it has been 10 days since I applied with no response from the HO? I only apply for one sit at a time- so I need to move on. Do I reach out and ask them if they are still considering me? Or just inform them that I am withdrawing?

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Be just as uncourteous as they are. Just apply to another listing and cancel without words when you got that other one.


I would just reach out and ask before deciding to withdraw. There’s no harm in asking. Sometimes people get all caught up with their day to day and neglect to be more communicative.

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Whether or not I say anything when withdrawing an application depends. If I found another sit, I say so. If I am withdrawing simply because it has been awhile with no response, I usually just cancel it. I may say something along the lines of no longer being available–even if our schedule is still open it is still true in that I would not be interested in pursuing the opportunity any further.

While I know that HO’s have all sorts of reasons for not responding in a timely fashion, and that this inherently does not imply anything negative about them, it doesn’t give me a good impression. I have never understood HO’s that post listings and then still haven’t responded for a week or longer. This seems to happen pretty frequently, and it’s highly doubtful these are all instances of some pressing matter that prevented them from reading and responding to applications.

I just think this is an example of how sitters and HO’s generally operate in really different head spaces. I don’t think a lot of HO’s realize how most sitters want/need to line up their plans as quickly as possible. So their lack of timely communication is not indicative of any lack of respect for the sitter’s time or need to plan.

Some people have had success following up with HO’s who haven’t been responsive and they end up getting the sit. I personally don’t do that. If it is a sit you really want for some reason, you might consider that approach.


I disagree with the “I’m giving people the same energy they give me.” mentality.

I have never let a sitter hang for that long, but I’ve had to wait to respond sometimes because I’m too busy or still trying to figure out some travel logistics. Even then, I let them know within a couple of days that I’m trying to figure out some stuff, but I appreciate their interest and will get back to them.

I think you should reach out to them and ask. If you don’t hear within a day, you can cancel without doing another follow-up.


If I remove my application after no reply I do include a note
’ No interest has been shown so I’m canceling my application ’


I used to apply 1 date at a time. Now I apply for any sit that looks good to me and then withdraw the ones that conflicts with the dates of the one that got confirmed. If I recently applied to a sit I’m withdrawing on, I will write a nice note. If I withdraw from one where the HO hasn’t even acknowledged it for a week or more I don’t write a note. Courtesy goes both ways


I suggest setting your own boundaries, because your time and opportunity costs are yours to value and protect.

Personally, depending on opportunities, I might apply for multiple sits at the same time. How I set and maintain my boundaries:

• Unless the HO and I’ve made mutual contact, I just cancel my application if I decide to. I see zero obligation from either party at that point.

• If we’ve made mutual contact and I get an offer from another HO or something else comes up before we’ve agreed on a sit, I move on. I’ll send a note in that case, out of courtesy. That’s happened twice. … Given the number of sits vs. the number of good sitters, you snooze, you lose as a homeowner. (This is of course not typically a problem for HOs with popular locations, but most HOs don’t have that luxury and they should realize that — we can all see the inventory of possible sits at any given time.)

• If we’ve agreed on a sit and the HO doesn’t reply by the time I need to buy a ticket, I’ll send a friendly note. If they don’t reply, I’ll withdraw. (I’ve sent such a note, gotten an immediate reply and did the sit. I’ve not had an experience that required withdrawing.)

• If we’ve agreed to a sit and our communications have happened as needed, I’m showing up unless I’m incapacitated or such, or unless the HO jerks me around. The latter hasn’t happened, but I’ve read comments from sitters about some HOs who change dates on them unilaterally. I don’t enable entitled behavior.

I have had a HO offer me alternative dates and I agreed, but that was done collaboratively and before I’d bought tickets. If someone tried to jerk me around, I’d rather eat the ticket or figure out alternative housing.

• I reply to any HO who offers me a sit that I didn’t apply for, even if it’s just to decline.

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*Chat GPT’s response :laughing:

Dear [Homeowner’s Name],

I hope you’re doing well. According to THS’s terms and conditions, it is recommended that members respond to communications within 72 hours.
Unfortunately, it has been 10 days since I applied, and I haven’t received any response from you. Due to this extended period of silence, I have decided to withdraw my application and explore other house sitting opportunities. I assume you have already found or no longer need a sitter.
Thank you for considering my application. If you have any further updates or would like to reconnect in the future, please feel free to reach out. I appreciate your understanding.

Best regards,


Hi @Karenc955.
My advice would be too apply for any sits you like regardless of open applications for the same period.
My thoughts are that I accept the first suitable sit I get offered.
I then say I’ve accepted another sit. If it’s been a week since I applied I’ll politely ask for an update. If no update is forthcoming I cancel my application.

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Though all responses should be made in a timely fashion, there can be many reasons for a slow or no response. Phones, laptops could have been lost, wifi could be spotty or down depending on location, illness or worse.

A polite decline is all I would do as no one can ever know for sure the reason and there is no reason to “burn a bridge” on what could come later down the road.

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Taking your approach! I just had a homeowner reach out to me today after it’s been 16 DAYS since I applied and they read my message almost immediately. I wasn’t good enough for you to communicate with me at a decent amount of time but now because your travel dates quickly approaching now you want to ask if I’m still available. That really made me feel some type of way! It’s almost like you are just now reaching out to me out of desperation to not miss your trip! Definitely not nice. Treat others how you would like to be treated.


@Victory I learned quickly there’s all types of HOs. Some respond right away asking if they can have more time to get applicants. Some don’t respond at all. Some don’t even talk to me and send the confirmation to sit. Some say on video they’ll send the confirmation and then change their minds. Just apply for everything that sounds good to you.


Wasn’t aware you could withdraw an application. Where do you do that?

When you apply for a sit it creates a conversation (message thread) and if you go there, you can uncheck the box you checked to apply for the sit. You’ll be prompted to write a message about why you’re withdrawing but you’re not forced to. I have done this a few times, because I had second thoughts but usually because they dragged their feet and another opportunity came along. I send a message that says “thanks for considering me but I am withdrawing my application because I accepted another sit with conflicting dates” or something to that effect.

Note I’m talking about applications, not confirmed sits.


Huh. Hadn’t noticed that. Thanks!