We use a cut-and-paste application that we tweak occasionally to keep it current.
Is it time to remove the sentence ‘we are fully Covid vaccinated’?
Does the sentence scream 2021?
Is anyone interested anymore?
We use a cut-and-paste application that we tweak occasionally to keep it current.
Is it time to remove the sentence ‘we are fully Covid vaccinated’?
Does the sentence scream 2021?
Is anyone interested anymore?
We took it out of our profile and form application, but recently a HO asked if we were as their cleaning person lived with elderly family.
I mean, we are/were triple vaxxed, but our last dose was over two years ago. Surely it wouldn’t make a difference for the current variants.
COVID definitely is still a concern in my opinion, but unless a HO asks, I keep my status to myself.
I saw a listing yesterday in which they mentioned wanting sitters who were Covid conscious, like wearing masks when in public. That’s one out of many listings, though. Most people don’t seem to care any more, but some folks will continue to have concerns, including ones with compromised immune systems.
Personally, I removed my Covid vaccination reference from my listing, because I had shots, but they’re no longer within coverage period.
Hi @Colin none of the “officials” ask anymore or are masks mandatory except in some hospitals. None on planes or airports.
Still there are individuals who are concerned. I would at this point let it be (meaning don’t mention it) and address it only if it comes up or if it is a concern for you.
I see the Covid enquiries running in the UK. They seem to be unaware that we in Sweden did not take such measures. And most of us survived.
It all feels like a very needless scare now.
Not sure, however, here in Berlin where I am now, surprisingly many people wear masks on the street
I’ve never used that phrase and never been questioned
I was recently asked by a homeowner if I was fully vacinated, so I’d say it might still be relevant to some homeowners, but she was already chatting with me. It wasn’t in my profile.
If you are asking from a point of view of applications I would think anyone still screening based on someone being octo-boosted (septa-boosted?) would have it in their listing and so I would say mention it in the application just as you would any other requirement they had that you met. But if it’s not a requirement I wouldn’t bother.
I still mention it in my profile because I do get regular boosters and realise it matters to some people. I wouldn’t care personally about a HO vaccine status. Wouldn’t really be happy though if someone wanted me wearing a mask at their place.
@Colin funny you posted this today I finally ripped up our physical Covid vaccine certificates today - as a fellow nomad, I always had it just incase as we hop borders very frequently but nobody official has asked since Indonesia in Sept 2022
@anon42826925 I live in SE Asia and nobody seems to bother anymore. Just to give that perspective. I read about more concerns from back in U.K. in the news than I ever hear about covid worries over here.
@ziggy more likely to be a HO who just has never updated their profile I would be a rich lady if I had $1 for every sit that pops up still stating they want a sitter for Christmas and new year despite advertising dates for May
If someone is concerned they can ask and I’ll tell them we are vaccinated but I think it’s time to take it out your profile and application
@Maggie8k, I saw that same listing. While it looked great and is in our preferred area, I wouldn’t apply. If someone is still requiring others to wear masks outdoors, we probably aren’t a good fit. We are very conscious of possible contagion issues and immunocompromised persons but I felt that was just a step too far.
@Enjaybee I have noticed that I am mostly in the company of Asians when I’m wearing a mask on the plane. I’m guessing that you live in SE Asia but that you are not Asian? Pandemics and epidemics are quite familiar to many in Asia and wearing a mask is more normalized there.
Wearing a mask in parts of Asia has been common for years, even before COVID. People wear them because of pollution and sickness, for instance.
@anon42826925 yes you’re right people do still wear masks but from general observations I’d say it’s back to like normal pre pandemic levels. People wore masks anyway before due to pollution, dust, sickness, close proximity on transport.
Most sits on THS over here are expats - it’s pretty rare to sit for locals generally as culturally it’s not really the done thing to have strangers move into your house
It’s very interesting the cultural differences that’s for sure I find it totally fascinating.
Hi @Colin. My profile merely says I am fully vaccinated. I don’t mention COVID specifically. The listing for my most recent sit (USA) also stated that the owners are fully vaccinated (he’s a retired doctor). I think it was one of the many things that showed we have similar values. It’s not something I focus on when checking a listing or when having a video chat with owners.
Another sit I did a few months ago (USA) the owner asked me to wear a mask while I was there the day or two before, if we were in a crowded place. She was being extra cautious not to get sick before they travelled.
I live in Canada and in my area I’m seeing an increase in mask wearing. I have one with me at all times so that if the situation warranted, for someone else’s health, I can put one on. I rarely wear one these days though.
I did a sit in Korea last spring and I wore a mask pretty much whenever I was outside. It was still a requirement on public transport etc but mostly it was because the air was so bad on some days you couldn’t see the building across the street. I even double masked on the worst day or two which I never did during the height of Covid. The only people you saw on those days not wearing masks were clearly tourists. I always rather try to blend in with the locals anyway but on those days I was more than happy to mask up.