Listing showing live even though sitter accepted

I have used the site before for several sits without a problem but with this last sit, I am having some issues.

  1. My listing is still showing live even though I have confirmed a sitter
  2. In the app, if I look at confirmed sits nothing is showing even though in the inbox it shows that I have confirmed the sit.

Any ideas? I have paused applications but that doesn’t solve the issue

Has the sitter accepted your offer of the sit yet? Until they do, it isn’t confirmed.

Yes they have

If you give us some clues to find your sit we can tell you if it is showing as a live listing to everyone, or just to you

It’s in Toowoomba, Queensland from 21 June to 23 July

I only see one listing for that location. It has 3 dates but none match yours given

Your listing is showing as “reviewing”. If you paused the listing then it could possibly mean the invitation to sit hasn’t been accepted yet or the invite didn’t send. You might need to send the invitation to sit again asking the sitter to accept again.

I get the same as ziggy.

When I go to my Sits-tab as a sitter, my confirmed sits show as in the pic.
(There is another tab for Open applications (not yet final) and Past sits, as you can see.

It is not enough that you confirm the sit. You send an invitation to sit, and the sitter confirms your invitation.

In the section for your messages with your sitter it will then also pop up a confirmed-box like this:

@DianaF I see you are now “currently not in need of a sitter” so obviously you have resolved the issue.

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Thanks everyone. There was a delay from when the sitter accepted and when it showed in my confirmed but it is all good now. Thank you all for your help.