March 8th Is International Women's Day

“I am strong, I am invincible, I am woman” … Helen Reddy

Happy International Women’s Day.

Today and everyday #TeamTrusted celebrate the kind, caring and amazing women in our global community, YOU!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Who inspires you?

Share that special woman who has made a difference in your life :heart:


Did you know?


Many women have had tremendous impact in my life since childhood as we all do. Being in women’s healthcare I have also been privileged to meet and serve extraordinary champions.
I have brought 4 women into this world, each unique and powerful but my youngest child I must say has been the most influential in my own personal evolution as a human and a woman.
She, a home and pet sitter since I believe 2011, a nationally certified veterinary technician, a corporate educator for one of the largest veterinary organizations in the USA, an artist, a sought after model, a good friend, auntie, pet mom, sister, daughter, world traveler…
I remember when she was a child I would take her with on trips in the US and UK how scared she was that we would get lost.
Today she has been to every continent except Africa by herself. It seems like yesterday she came to me with huge backpack asking me to help her pack, saying she had quit her job, sold her car and was going to South America for 6 months. She was 19 and I was mortified. When I didn’t here from her for 10 days, I reported her missing and then she mssg me “mom, there’s no WiFi in the Amazon!”
I have learned a lot from her. She introduced me to this world of home and pet care. She showed me how to be braver than I thought I could be. I learned to be strong, in my own just watching her, seeing what she could and would do.
She caused me to think and realize “why can’t I?” I am so very proud of her yes but I am so very grateful for my daughter, my teacher in this life.
She is a good human.


@Amparo This is so inspiring… thank you for sharing :heart::slightly_smiling_face:


Hi @Amparo we have kindred spirit daughters …

I remember standing in an operating theatre gowned up watching, in awe of this young woman standing in front of me, dressed in scrubs which drowned her, operating on a Beagle who had eaten a jar of Nutella (including the glass) and meticulously removing glass from its intestines, 5 hours later he was in recovery, glass free. :dog: :clap:

Seven years later I lost the same young woman to post natal psychosis … nearly three years on she is almost herself. The journey to get her back has been like nothing else.

But she is strong, she is invincible, she is my daughter.

Thank you for sharing your inspiration. :heart:


Thanks for sharing the inspiring stories of your daughters.

@Amparo such courage your daughter has – she sounds both smart and fearless! You raised her well.

@Angela_L, I’m so glad your daughter is winning the battle with her disease, and is almost back to her wonderful self. Such strength she has!

A woman who, although she passed many years ago, still influences me deeply is my grandmother. The only daughter in a family of 12 kids, she was always a worker and a character from a young age. When she was young her family walked from from Louisiana to Los Angeles, working for local farmers along the way as the family ran out of money. She helped her mom care for the smaller children and did her share of fieldwork along the way. She had a strong personality and became a pillar of her community, leading various community groups once she married and started a family.

When I was in college a friend and I were going to spend the summer backpacking around Europe. At the last minute my friend backed out. When I told Nana how disappointed I was, Nana immediately said “Now you’ll be able to meet so many more new people, because, of course, you are still going, right?” Up until then I was resigned to not going (This was in the days before the internet and roller bags.) With her blessing and urging I spent that whole summer exploring the best of Europe on my own and experiencing the wonderful freedom of traveling solo. I am forever grateful to her for encouraging me to grab life by the reigns and go for the ride of my life. :heart:


@Angela_L As @Karen_E also said, I am so glad to hear that your daughter is now winning the battle against this terrible illness, this takes incredible strength!


Women everywhere, no matter the situation have incredible superhuman power that seems to come forth in those moments when they are needed most.
Thank you Angela for being an exemplary human, woman and leader.
All the best to you,
To all.
Happy International Women’s day, every day.


What a wonderful tribute to your beautiful daughter. Fabulous, inspiring story :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


That must have been so very difficult but glad to hear your daughter’s recovering


@Angela_L these have been some amazing stories and I must say that you all are an inspiration to me.

My personal inspiration would have to be my Mom though. She had four miscarriages before she and my Dad were able to adopt my brother, then me. I learned the best from my Southern Mom…my love and talent for cooking and importance of cherishing your family. I lost my Dad when I was twelve and she had to step into the role of both Mom and Dad until she became ill when I was fourteen, then subsequently passing when I was nineteen.

I have since met my birth mother and siblings, as well as my birth father’s other children. They are all family but my “Mom” is the one who raised, loved and taught me.


That’s very sad to have lost your parents at such a young age.


@smiley yes but I have many great memories.


Hello Ampara,
Thank you for your inspirational message.
I, too, have a vet daughter of whom I am immensely proud. She is also a free Spirit and is living where she belongs- thousands of miles away from UK in Australia. She was the trickiest of 3 daughters, in childhood / because we were too alike?!! But the closest to me now. At 81 it is hard to imagine h how many more years I can spend time with her.
Thank you ALL these strong women and thank you THS. I have another amazing sitter at home now.


Your message is so extremely well received. You yourself are incredibly inspiring and I thank you deeply.
I am fascinated by how amazing life is and all these wonderful people who continue to lift us so much like a dance :dancer:.
Enjoy every moment Beautiful! :purple_heart: