Meet up in Winchester UK in March?

Hi. I’ll be cat sitting in Winchester for a month starting on Friday. Is anyone in that area? I’d love to meet up if so.

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@Karen_E That’s not far from me :slight_smile: I’ll be around from the end of next week and either you could venture out on the 66 to Romsey or I could meet you in Winchester.

That would be lovely @DianeS. I won’t have a car but could take the train to Romsey if you wish.

Let’s work out the when’s and where’s next week after you return home. Maybe there will be others who’d like to join us.

Great @Karen_E - the bus (66 from the centre, going past the hospital and through Hursley) is best as the train requires a change and costs more :slight_smile: We’ve got an Abbey (the Parish church) and lots of eateries and drinkeries. Sadly our other notable interesting place was badly damaged by fire a couple of weeks ago.
I’ll mention the idea to a friend who is a HO but not on the forum.

Fabulous! Thanks for the info on the bus. Is there a website or app I could use to learn about the local / regional busses by chance?

@Karen_E several bus companies go from Winchester - for example, Stagecoach comes at least once an hour to Romsey (and goes elsewhere too i think), Bluestar goes to Southampton - both have apps and websites. Buses to other towns can be infrequent to such a point that its not easy to make a day out of it.
If you message me with where your sit is and places you might like to visit I’ll look into buses and trains.

Hi Karen, I’m going to be on a sit near to Winchester from 21-29 March. I have my own transport and I’d be interested in meeting with you and Garrett. An independent coffee shop would suit me best, but not Starbucks, Costa or Nero please. Thanks, Peter

@TheEnglishFlaneur, you’ll have lots of independents to choose from - I can recommend Greens (on Jewry Street at the top of St Georges Street), the Cathedral Refectory, Coffee Lab on Little Minster Street.

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Hi Peter. I’d love to meet with you for a coffee sometime between 21-29 March. Garrett has gone back to the States for a few months, so it will just be me you’ll be meeting unless, @DianeS, you’d like to join us…?

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Thanks @DianeS for your offer. I would love to take you up on it. I’ll message you in a day or two. I’ve just arrived at my sit, so havent quite got myself organised yet :joy:

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A meetup sounds a great idea. Once youve settled let’s find a date & time.