Membership support

I’ve often seen sitters and HOs advised to reach out to membership support if there’s a problem, and how responsive they are. I’ve never had to do so before, but now I have a problem - and can’t find how to reach out to membership support. Am I missing a link on the Help page?


The email is :

You can also start a live chat from the Help page and ask to speak to a human .

If it’s an urgent issue that you need a prompt reply to - mark the e-mail as URGENT in the title.


Or the chat bot and ask for a human @Sunshine_G :+1:t3:


Thank you - I hadn’t scrolled down far enough!

Problem solved with HO - thank you :pray:

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Hi all,
Where do emails usually come from?
Do they reply just from the US or from Europe as well?
Thank you.