Midweek sit for 3 weeks in August

Is it more difficult to find a sitter for a midweek sit? We have always had a lot of applicants in the past but are struggling with this one. Any ideas from sitters out there?
We can also be quite flexible on dates as we have a friend who can do some of it, so could just be the first 2 weeks.

(Edited to remove listing link, in line with our Community Guidelines)

No, it doesn’t really make any difference to most sitters what day of the week a sit starts. Lots are nomadic or retired or on holdup themselves @sarahm If you’d like some feedback on your listing feel free to add it to your forum profile

There does seem to be a lot more sits than sitters if you’re somewhere like the UK or the USA so it may be that too. #showusthesit🙌🏼

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Hi Sarah,
You can definitely give it a go, 3 weeks in August should be fine (no matter the start date) as long as your listing is attractive and gives compelling reasons why a sitter should choose your sit :blush: Many sitters would prefer the full 3 weeks - most enjoy longer rather than shorter stays, and many sitters don’t like continuing a sit from a previous sitter, as they don’t know what state they’ll find the house in from that sitter and how well a handover will go. I’d say just offer the 3 weeks and see how it goes!

Here is a blog post about 6 common mistakes to avoid for a successful listing.

Hope that helps! :blush:

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thanks - I’ve added the link to my profile now so hopefully that will help. As you’ll see we’ve had quite a few sitters in the past who have all enjoyed looking after our animals.

Thanks for the reply. I wouldn’t ask a sitter to take over from another one as I agree - no idea what they’d be left with. The friend I have can do the final week so the sitters would be met by us for the first 2 weeks sit if they’d prefer a shorter sit. Link is now in my profile.
Thanks again for replying.

Ah right, gotcha! Hmm - can’t seem to see your link in your bio?

Hi Sarah,

What a gorgeous looking sit. I’d suggest you detail how long Frog can be left alone after he’s been walked as I know this can be a concern for some sitters who want to explore nearby towns etc a bit.

Obviously there are a huge number of school summer holiday sits on offer so I think that’s likely to a factor in slow applications, although the fact that yours is family friendly will be really helpful in this respect.

Best of luck,


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Thanks Jane - I will add that.
He’s a very chilled dog and can be left for 5 to 6 hours (although we wouldn’t do that every day)
So hopefully you can now see the link in my profile - not quite sure how the forum works yet!
Thanks again,

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Hopefully it’s there now?

Still can’t see it. Location and I’ll search.

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Yes it’s there - people just need to click on your name

If you click on @sarahm 's name and then click on it again, you will see the link. It’s a lovely looking sit with a very cute dog in a beautiful part of the country. We recently did a sit not too far away and it’s a beautiful area. I’ve added the listing to my favourites, but unfortunately we are already booked up through the summer holidays.

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Thanks Debbie - that’s kind of you to explain how to see the sit and hopefully others will notice it too.

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Here’s a reply from another sitter in case you haven’t noticed it.
If you click on @sarahm 's name and then click on it again, you will see the link. It’s a lovely looking sit with a very cute dog in a beautiful part of the country.

Your sit looks idyllic (my folks live on Rooksnest so can :100: vouch for Inkpen as a great part of the country!) You have great reviews, clear responsibilities, a lovely home & easy animals. The only things that might swing it if it’s possible is the offer of the use of a car as you’re so rural and/or the addition of a family friendly tag as it’s school holidays and you have both a double and single bed on offer on your amenities? You still have a month so fingers crossed @sarahm #ifonlywesatintheuk

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Thanks for the feedback. Can’t really understand why it’s so quiet - never had a problem before and we’ve always been away in school holidays. As you say there’s still time so fingers crossed.

Weighing in as a non-retired person. I work full time and need to be engaged/online during my work hours, so arriving and settling in to a sit–and then packing up, cleaning, leaving at the end–absolutely is best done on a weekend. Keep in mind that the forum likely has a higher percentage of retired or otherwise non-working/not FT working people than the sitter population at large.

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We also prefer weekend handovers as we are working both full time and need to be present online during the week.


Thanks Katie,
Good points

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Thanks for replying,