More Tag Options Regarding Transportation

I noticed that the only transportation-related tag now is whether or not a sit is accessible by public transportation, and the ‘sitter needs a car’ option is no longer there. And the former is a great addition as many sitters are not traveling with their own vehicles. But not needing a car to get there and not needing a car to get around are not one in the same in many cases.

There are all sorts of places where you may be able to get right to–or very close to-- with public transport, but could need a car to actually get around since the home itself might be in a more rural or suburban location, without much in walking distance, and no sort of transportation that will take you within the town itself.

And some people might not want to stay in such areas if they generally prefer places with a lot in walking distance, or they specifically don’t want to incur additional costs of taxis for food shopping,etc.

Also on the flip side, it is possible certain destinations that are marked as not accessible by public transport may not require a car to actually get around the area to obtain basic amenities, and some sitters, especially those who have no interest in exploring farther afield, may be fine with that.

Tags that more clearly distinguish the necessity of a car in some way could be helpful.

Of course these are the types of things that should be discussed before hand, but I think the more ‘deal breaker-type info’ that can be stated clearly upfront the better for both sides since it will save time.