New public transportation tag -- Include in the Filters, please

Thank you. Finally the public transportation tag. Been asking for years.
Will it be included in the Search Filters? (Sitters need a car was not).
To maximize the value of the tag, please make it accessible in the Filters. Please!


@Terry Good point Terry and I’ve voted for that. Maybe you can vote for your suggestion too & any other members


@Terry & @Smiley
Thank you. I have also passed this onto our product team.

I wanted to give a quick update … that there will be these filters for searches.
I cannot give you a timing on this, but it will be sooner than later.

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Hi all,

Where exactly is this “public transportation” tag? Haven’t seen it in any of the listings.
Is it supposed to be under “Home and location”? I just continue to see “sitters need a car” as before?
Thank you in advance!

Hi @Els this was the reply to other member’s asking the same question …

I believe It’s in progress but will check and post an update once I’ve heard.

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Oh ok, I misunderstood and thought it appeared already in the listings. Thanks, Angela!

Hi @Els an update from the Product Team

“Public transport: this is currently only on web, but aiming to follow as soon as possible on the app” :clap:

I hope that is good news for you …

@Els I should also have added that it will be included in the search filters …

It might be a choice for homeowners, but it does not appear as a choice in the FILTERS.
Like Use of Car included does.
Not being in FILTERS, its utility is minimal.

Terry, I agree in order for it to be a useful tool for sitters we need to be able to filter for it. This is something we have been asking for many years so hopefully we are close :crossed_fingers: