Hi all, I joined about a month ago, put a date up for a week from 17th March. I’m having no joy getting anyone. Sent several invites, but nothing, no applications at all. I’m not sure if I’ve done something wrong, it’s just this particular week and perhaps another time I’ll have more luck. Maybe most sitters use public transport and being very rural with own car essential is losing most. I don’t know what to think, anyone else struggle to have someone.
Hi @Mollybob
That’s tough. Sorry to hear you are having trouble. Unfortunately, that is not a lot of lead time at a busy time of year.
Not having a car in a rural area could limit you from a pool of sitters. I don’t routinely provide or loan a car, ( I don’t have the extra one that would be insured to lend). but it maybe something you want to consider.
What is attractive about your area- would highlight that in your listing?
You may want to attach your listing to your profile; maybe sitters here in the forum can feedback? Ensure your listing pictures are inviting and spotless, and showing a comfy sleeping area, clean bathroom and living areas uncluttered.
You can also post in the last minute sit area. It’s the only place you can post your listing I think. Is that correct @Jenny ?
Good luck!
That’s right @Halifax23 - if @Mollybob hasn’t found a sitter by 10th March they can post it in Last Minute Sits.
@Mollybob - if you want, I can add your listing to your profile so that our members can give you some feedback?
Hi, thank you for replying. Could you expand a little on what is a good lead time? . I, obviously stupidly, thought March was a quiet time, especially as Easter is much later this year. Unfortunately, being just me, I don’t have 2 cars and will need to take the one I do have… Am I getting the impression that people are expecting something of a holiday home standard?.. I hope my home is clean and tidy, but I’m aware my standards can be above or below other people’s. I work in the community, I spend a lot of time in other people’s homes, so very aware of differences. I was again, perhaps wrongly, assuming that as a sitter, you are a guest so shouldn’t be passing judgment on others standards? Please don’t think I’m criticizing your reply, I’m just new to this and want to understand what to expect.
Hi, thank you for replying. Yes, that would be a good idea. Now I need the idiot guide on how I do that. I’m the useless at technology person that had to have someone upload my photos for me after struggling for hours
Lead times can be a few weeks or a few months, it all depends on the location, pets, duration and appeal of the sit @Mollybob Your home doesn’t have to be a show home, it needs to look comfy and welcoming, lots of pics are great, clear comms are fabulous, well behaved pets are a winner. As others have said please add your listing to your profile and get some feedback. Will be useful for the future too. #itsgoodtotalk
That’s your listing added to your profile now @Mollybob you have an incredible home, and Llwyd is incredibly cute. Elderly cats are such a soft spot for so many of us!
Thank you, so glad someone knows how to operate the technology
Hello @Mollybob and welcome to forum!
In general it seems a lovely sit, with a clean and welcoming home. Bonus that you are open to families, rural and a few farm animals can be a lovely experience for children.
As a sitter that doesn’t know your area, I would like to see something in your listing about
- why should I continue reading your listing and consider to go to your area. What is there to see/ do/ experience? I like to see that in the Intro - if the Intro isn’t appealing I might scroll on to the next listing.
- How do I get to your home? Is it possible by public transport? Could you pick up at a train station or something?
- Is anything walkable from your home? A local shop, cafe, a market or other?
- For a week like this, some might find it ok to just explore the nature and such during sit, if it was possible to get grocery shopping done. Either if you could pick up from station/ give a ride from store or if a store does home delivery.
Just some options to think through. If a car is needed then it is what it is. But even with own car it would be great to know why one should come to your area and how one can get shopping done.
Hope that helps.
I concur with @Garfield’s point of view and suggestions.
I will change the sentence “I hope you have very little to do”, which is slightly ambiguous. Might refer to “I hope you don’t want to do much while here because my animals will keep you busy” or “I don’t think you will be very busy with my animals because there is no dog to walk or chicken coop to clean out”.
If the latter, as I suspect, I’ll write something like: plenty of opportunities to go and explore, or work from home, as the outdoor cats, chickens and goats only need feeding.
Also, mention something about how warm and toasty your house will be. There have been quite a few threads about house sitting in the UK in the colder months with sitters finding out that many house owners there keep their house relatively cool.
I am not sure if you’re aware of the fact that, after the sit is finished, both parties are invited to write a review, with several categories rated. In the case of home owners, the categories are: communication, hospitality, cleanliness, pet behavior and accuracy of listing, so be prepared for some judgment to be passed and published.
You may want to see some listings and read some reviews to get an idea what you can expect.
Hi, overall this looks appealing but a couple of suggestions for you -
Put up a photo of your second bedroom and make it clear sitters can choose either room. A sitter may not want to share with your cat (especially as she spends most of her time on the bed, and the base looks a bit shredded by cat claws).
I know it’s Wales, and I know you were doing it in a light-hearted way, but I’d remove the hints that it rains a lot.
Heating is run by the rayburn ‘if you light it.’ Most people are definitely going to want heating in March. You need to make it clear if that’s easy or a task. Does it run on gas - just turn something and hit ignite? Or is it wood-fired, which could be a lot of work?
I’d also mention how far to the village and pub
I wouldn’t worry about it not being accessible by public transport - most UK people have cars unless they live in a city, I think it’s more sitters from abroad who hope to borrow one.
Thank you. I think I have put a lot of the above, maybe not in the right place? It’s in the home and location bit. I perhaps need to emphasise more that car is essential, there is no public transport. I could pick up at a station, but then sitter would be stuck, not able to go anywhere.
Hi, thank you for replying. I think what I was trying to say is that cleanliness is a very personal thing. As a for example, I’ve had people that think my house is clean and tidy, but also have had a neice of my husband who found a dog hair on her son after visiting and never came again! I would find it very hard to pass a judgment. Having said that, when working, there are places which we call ‘take your own mug’
Hi, thank you for replying. I am aware of the second bedroom and know that needs to be done. I’ve been hosting a Ukrainian lady for the last year, so currently unable to get in to take photos, however she is moving on next weekend, so that can be addressed. Looks like heating is going to be a deal breaker. It is a wood fired rayburn, I suppose having done it for so many years, it’s life, never think of anyone else finding it work. I was planning on having enough logs split and ready - not supplying the chainsaw and axe.
I was thinking of getting a new bed base but Llwyd is 18, it’s really going to have to wait. I’ve no plans for having any more house cats. Distance to pub etc will be addressed. Thank you
@Mollybob heating might not be a dealbreaker for some. Just include the information you shared above about caring for the Raynurn so people can make an informed choice.
Looks like the many experienced sitters here have made suggestions!
Good luck, use their suggestions, and post in the last minute sit category if the forum too…
When I look for sits outside of my home country, I am always up for rural sits but I won’t have a vehicle, so I can’t apply for no-car sits. That may be the case for you. A lot of people do this hoping to travel abroad yet stay in a home in exchange for looking after the animals–a lovely, mutually beneficial exchange. Is there bus service or other public transportation in your area? Are shops close by? Within walking or biking distance? It may not be you, it may just be practical considerations. Also, I would post a sit with as much lead time as possible, although of course that is not always possible if there’s something like a family emergency and you need to travel on short notice. Finally, if your home is clean and the photos you post provide a pleasant look at your home (no unmade beds or clutter, for instance), a lot of sitters don’t really look for more than that. Comfortable is fine for me. Good luck!
Hi I had the same issue and realized that the dates in my dashboard were marked as “private”. As soon as I disabled that, I received a lot of requests. It was really simple and hoping that’s your issue. Check your dashboard and good luck!
Is there a specific Last Minute area? I’ve never seen that as a sitter.