New HO from Massachusetts and Montana

Hello - my brother has done several successful housesits through this group so we decided to try it to look for a housesitter when we have to leave our dog, Gracie, home. We are looking for a sitter in January at our home in coastal Massachusetts, and later will post a week in August at our Montana summer cabin in a cute mountain town. If HO’s have advice for how to list two sits in different homes I would love to know. also would love any house sitter’s advice for why we haven’t gotten any takers for January yet (I saw sitters mention in a different thread that they don’t bother applying past the first day, which was today, although several people saved it). Thanks for your advice!


Hi there
You live in one of my favourite areas. We passed quite a few times going through the canal. Your pictures are wonderful and your dog is so lovely. I would love to spend time on dry land in your area. I’m sorry I can’t help you this time but maybe sometime in the future. The cabin sounds fantastic as well.
I hope you find what your looking for.

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Hi @GracieTheDog ! If your home was just posted today, don’t be concerned. It’s a brand new listing and it looks great. Plenty of people apply after the first day. You could offer use of a car which would make it more attractive to people flying in. Being that it is in New England in winter you may not have the level of interest that you will have in the warmer months. Many HO have more than one house. When you are listing your Montana house, change the headline to reflect that location, change the pictures to the home in Montana and edit the copy. I would think you can switch back and forth depending on which house you are advertising. If I’m wrong, @Angela_L , please make the correction. And proof read your listing before you post it. I have seen so many ambiguous listings where the headline says one location and the copy says another. Good luck. I am interested in MT in August!


@mars thank you! Yes I think January near the coast isn’t nearly as appealing as summer. And needing a car. We considered offering our car but we are concerned our insurance plan may not cover sitters driving it. I will give the insurance broker a call. Thanks for your feedback.

@ElsieDownie thank you!

Welcome - 2 places I’d be pleased to visit for a sit. I’m already sitting in Conn the last half of Jan and I hope in the UK in Aug assuming the world gets better. Maybe another time.

Your pup and your house are gorgeous, and you’ve represented them well!
I’m sure you’ll get applicants.
And you can always send a nice message and invitation to the people who’ve favorited your profile!

I saw that comment in the other thread too, and I think it’s pretty atypical that a sitter would not apply after the first day a sit is posted.

Certainly, I would apply to a sit I thought I’d enjoy no matter how long it had been up on the site, so long as there’s not already dozens of applicants.

Hello and welcome @GracieTheDog and thank-you for your lovely introduction… And thanks to your brother for recommending our amazing house sitting community!

Just picking up and confirming at @mars very helpful advice…

If you have 2 properties where you need sitters at different times (and there’s enough time between to manage and accept applicants), you will simply need to change the details of your listing, the headline, description and photos accordingly.

As Mars explains, it’s easy to forget to change something so maybe keep details of both in a document from which you can cut/paste as needed so sitters don’t ever get confused about where they are staying :slight_smile:

You can’t advertise 2 different houses at the same time (same dates or overlapping) on the one membership. If you ever need sitters for both properties at the same time you would need 2 accounts.

I hope that all makes sense but if you need any more advice about this don’t hesitate to ask and we will put you in touch with our support team for help. All the best and enjoy connecting! Vanessa