New review system - Mega thread

Hi, Just to say that I have received a few late reviews in the past. Sometimes people lead busy lives anf forget for a while. One was a couple of months later and another nearer six weeks I believe, as owner went away again and it just slipped their mind. Also I may have left feedback later than 14 days if heading somewher that I cannot charge devises and don’t have wifi etc. Lots of places in the UK still do not have wifi signals, such as camping on Dartmoor or in the Peak District etc.


I’m thinking there really should be an easier prompt for PRIVATE feedback. If for example, someone decided to ding me as a homeowner because I didn’t provide any place to store items, I would get the message, but then the review would be there forever! If the sitter simply told me after the sit that this was lacking and I might consider a way to empty out a draw or two prior to a sit, I could fix it.

It works the other way as well. If a sitter left me a sink full of dirty dishes but otherwise did a great job, I’d probably mention it to them, but I wouldn’t ding them in the review.


Hello :wave: I hope everyone is well today :grin:

I am posting an update regarding the additional questions on this thread.

Thank you for all of your questions and feedback. They have all been passed on and I have some answers to the commonly asked questions. As several members have asked the same or very similar questions I have tagged multiple members in the answer that applies to their question. If I have missed anyone apologise and please let me know :slight_smile:

@BunnyCat @Blanca

A great one to know! The reviews that you have already ‘requested’ or have taken place before the start of the new review system will remain there at the moment as only new reviews will be part of the new system. The team are aware of this and might look at ways to tidy this up in the future.

@temba @systaran @Cuttlefish @Lokstar @Crookie

Yes - to confirm, the categories will remain the same as they are under the old system, but this is something the team is looking into.
Currently, the team are focusing all efforts on rolling out the new ‘hidden reviews’ update, and so it is a little difficult to say exactly when owner categories will be implemented, but rest assured it’s definitely on the team’s radar and our hope is to continue further optimising the reviews process moving forward.

@Myhnabird @belluca

Great idea :slight_smile: This has been suggested and might be something that is looked into at a later date.

@mars @Silversitters @adelia @TomorrowTamara

Currently, this will display in the same way that the existing reviews system does, but this is something the team is looking into and may change in the future.


This one can be found in the blog, but happy to post here for reference:

Yes - you’ll still be able to leave a reply to your review/feedback (even after the 14-day window has passed).


Great question! After 14 days if only one member left a review then that review will be published on the website and the other member will no longer be able to leave a review/feedback.

I can see that several members have recently asked about why 14 days. I have passed this question on.

It is an exciting time for the new review system and I am sure as mentioned in the replies above that there will be further features added or they will be considered in the future, but currently, they are working hard to get the new ‘hidden’ review system in place.

Any more questions or feedback feel free to add :smiling_face:


Thank you @Carla for all the answers .

There seems to be a lot of confusion about how this does currently appear so could you confirm please ? Currently Missing reviews only show for Home owners and only on the app ; They don’t show for sitters and don’t show on the desktop . Is this correct ?

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Thank you @Carla for the update. However I feel very strongly that categories for rating HOs should be part of the new review system, and should be introduced at the same time as the other changes, and not later. I would rather a delay than a half-completed Implementation of the review system. We’ve waited so long- I don’t mind waiting a bit longer for that important part too. As a sitter it feels like an essential way to create a more equal review system.


I’ll be taking screenshots and copying my reviews soon. Never trust software without a backup!

I think capturing your reviews is a good idea. I noted in Carla’s comments that the plan is for existing reviews to remain “at the moment “. That does not inspire a lot of confidence in me.


Hello @Silversitters I will pass that back and get that clarified for you :slight_smile:

@Lokstar I have copied this feedback internally so they are aware, thank you.

@weirdholyman Just to clarify everyone’s previous reviews and feedback will remain the same and not be lost. They are hard earned by all members and we would never remove them.

My comment is specifically for all of the members who have requested a review/feedback a long time ago and one has not yet been given. These just sit almost in limbo on members accounts and these requests might be tidied up in the future.


@Carla Thank you for clarifying.


I just want to say that I really appreciate this thread , the information, and clarification. An enormous improvement on past changes. Well done.


I wholeheartedly agree with you @Lokstar. What’s a bit longer when we’ve been waiting for years! THS seems to have the habit of introducing changes in “bits” rather than working them through thoroughly before releasing them. The categories really are necessary to make the review system equal.


Us too @Lokstar and @temba - it has taken forever to get this near the finish line. Add the categories for both parties involved please, at this stage time is of no consequence @Carla :+1:t3:

:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:

@artgirl , in the new system you’ll still be able to reply to reviews after the 14 day period.

Will this new system apply to past sits that have not yet been reviewed? The sitter during my last sit got into a car accident that was her fault in our car, and while she covered some immediate expenses, it ended up incurring $3k of repairs. Given she did not have the money at the time, we have agreed to a payment plan over 6 months. I would like to wait to review her until I see if she makes the payments or if we’re left on the hook for paying for her accident ourselves. The sit has been over for a couple weeks. Am I going to have to review her in 14 days or forever forfeit the ability to do so?

No insurance?

It sounds like a lot of money for the pleasure of being a pet sitter.

We have insurance but she did not. Since this was going to be considered at fault accident, we did not want to submit to insurance and deal with higher premiums for 3-5 years. Either way, someone was going to have to pay.

Hello :wave:

I am back to update you all on the remaining questions.

Thank you for all of the questions about why the 14-day period was chosen. Great question and we have added it to the blog FAQ’s:

I will also post it here for was of reference:

There are a few reasons for this! Firstly, the 14-day window is designed to keep reviews/feedback as up-to-date as possible on a member’s profile/listing. Fresher reviews/feedback is also extremely helpful to highlight any issues that have occurred on a sit, or that may need help or support from our Membership Services team. Additionally, most reviews/feedback on our platform are left within 2 weeks already, so we don’t believe that this should be much of a change for our members.

In regards to how the reviews/feedback currently show up @Silversitters

I double-checked this for you currently, you can not see owners or sitters missed feedback/reviews on the website, but on the app, you can see owners missed feedback, but not sitters missed reviews. We are aware of this and will be looking into how it is displayed in the future, along with how the website and app align.

@Gwizzle17 That’s an interesting case. The FAQ’s state:

When the new system is launched, for any reviews where neither side has left a review/feedback, this will switch to the new system. For sits where one side has already left a review but the other has not, this will follow the existing review system (i.e. reviews/feedback will not be hidden). This should only affect a small number of sits during the changeover, and eventually, the new review system will apply to all sits.

So has the sitter already left you feedback? It might be worth reaching out to Membership Services at to clarify your exact circumstances as they can view your account and see if the feedback has already been left etc.

Thank you for all of your questions and feedback so far, it is super important and we updated the FAQ’s due to your suggestions so thank you :smiling_face:

Just a gentle reminder to keep the thread on the topic of the new review system, so no one misses important information about the new review system. Please feel free to start new threads to discuss anything else or individual cases.

Thank you :grin:


I’m just curious what the agreement was on the use of the car. It seems odd that you would allow someone to drive your car without insurance coverage and you chose not to allow coverage through your insurance. Did she think she was covered by your insurance? I assume the insurance for the use of the car (yours or hers) would have been discussed upfront.


As a HO, I think it is critical to see all the sits a prospective sitter has done and where there are NO reviews. That is the surest way for a HO to see a red flag because a positive review is easy. The missing ones are usually the negatives. I have just had my first poor sitter who had more than 20 5* reviews, and only 1 bad one. How is that possible? Many reviews were repeat sits (which I don’t think should be allowed as it skews the results.) The one negative was similar to my experience and I am betting there are many others that just weren’t written. But I couldn’t see that online. This allows sitters to “game” the system. Their complaints about other sits sounded really terrible, until they started complaining about me. Then I could see the exaggeration, oversensitivity and entitlement. I want to warn other HOs, and the No Review is the best way for me to do it.

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