Note to HO - Check your Sit dates!

Hello Homeowners! Please check your sit dates. I was just searching for sit opportunities and found a couple of sits that the dates do not match up with the description or title of the sit. For example: Christmas sitter needed but the dates specified are in June, or dates specified are in May but sit description talks about September… etc.

As sitters we have no way to reach out to you and get clarity before applying. The platform prevents us from messaging you directly and we can’t apply if we are already booked for the dates that you have used…

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Another discrepancy I’m noticing is the number of dogs/cats especially if one dog was elderly… and has possibly sadly passed away since? Often the dogs in the photos might not match the dog in the description so it can be a bit of a mystery to solve what’s going on. I find reading reviews often helps with solving the puzzle.


@themobileretiree It’s usually the title that is wrong not the dates as HOs forget to alter the title when re-listing with new dates .

If you wish to you can contact member support who will contact the HO to change the title .

@BonnyinBrighton THS suggests that you use the “apply to sit “ button to message Homeowners with questions about their listing

We have done this on a few occasions (for example to find out a more precise location and when there was no dog in the photos but the responsibility section was about walking a dog ) … we started a conversation by using the “apply to sit “ - explaining we were not ready to apply just yet as we had a couple of questions…but inviting them to look at our profile in the meantime …when the HO replied with the answers … we sent a proper application and on at least two occasions we were invited to sit .

(If you already have a sit confirmed with dates that overlap the listing - you won’t be able to do this)

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It can easily be avoided by HO not putting dates/times on the title. A generic title would suffice