Ooooo I’d like one of those!

Inspired by the recent discussion on robot vacs, I realise that on sits I discover gadgets that I’d not known about or not used before, and add it to my “Dear Santa” list.

What HO gadgets would make it to your list? Or do you think need inventing (we might find it already exists!).

For example, on this sit I’m using a hot water dispenser instead of a kettle and have thought what a great gadget it is.

And I’d like someone to invent a robot pet brush (although it’s a nice, albeit hairy, way to bond with the pets).

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Thanks @Smiley - no wonder I didn’t find them when I used the search: they are about 2 years old. Maybe new delights have emerged since then.


Get yourself a couple of nest boxes if you can, it’s great when they get used.

I haven’t come across one yet, but I’d like to try a cocktail-making machine during a sit. I won’t buy one, because I’ve read mediocre reviews, but I’d be happy to try one.


It would be interesting to see a automatic litter box. I’ve seen some HO mention it in their listing - it is almost so that I apply just to see it in action! :smiley:

We sid a sit once with an automatic litter box! Very fancy with soft lights and everything! It detected when the cat went in and, after he’d done his business and was out, the door closed, the machine rotated everything, and disposed it into a bag below which only needed changing one a week! Easy!


I’ve encountered an auto-litter box as well. Sounds similar to what @Lokstar describes. It had cool blue lighting and sat in a darkened corner of a hipster apartment, reminding me of a vessel floating in outer space.

The pampered Siberian cats also had an automatic feeder and a water fountain, and a robo vacuum. They enjoyed gorgeous views from their high-rise.

The apartment also was automated with a bunch of Alexa commands. It was the most automated sit I’ve done.


We have used a fabulous steam generator iron on a sit ( and I don’t usually enjoy ironing) !!!

But it’s not always the hi tech state of the art gadgets that have impressed me …bamboo toast tongs were a revelation to me and I’m hooked!


We have silicone toast tongs and I krazy-glued a magnet to them, so they’re attached to our toaster.

We have an instant hot water tap for tea and such, which I’ve ended up using a lot when sick.

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Trying out HO’s different coffee makers can be fun, but also a little tricky :laughing:

For Christmas my sister got me one of these:

It works a treat, makes great coffee, is super easy to travel with and I don’t have to worry about figuring out a HO’s complicated coffee maker :sweat_smile::coffee:

But I have also enjoyed a high tech coffee machine once at a sit where you could make your own signature coffee & label it as your name :laughing: “I’ll have a Michelle, thanks!”


I did a sit at a pricey waterfront home. The owners had bought it as a second home from an exec who’d worked in the coffee industry and collected fancy coffee makers. They’d joked that they wanted one of the machines thrown in with the purchase and the seller had obliged. It looked scary complicated and was plumbed into the kitchen, with a water line built in. The owners said they’d never used it, because it was so complicated, LOL.


Wow! That’s some serious coffee :rofl:

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It was sort of funny to me, because the husband flew their own plane between their homes, but found the coffee machine too complicated to attempt.


@Garfield They are awful in my opinion. Nothing magically disappears. It just gets scraped up one end and then you have lots to scoop when you then still have to clean it. Although it sounds like some are fancier than others!

I did a sit where they’d bought a prototype litter box that rotated, so it was supposed to catch the litter clumps and make it easy to clean. Only it didn’t work well. The wife sat on the ground and demonstrated it to me and I saw all the dust that flew out and figured I’d give myself asthma or something nasty like toxoplasmosis if I used it as intended. So instead I scooped from it, as with a normal litter tray. It was ridiculous. I hope the “inventors” aren’t making any contraptions that would endanger people or pets.


@Maggie8K the one I experienced was in Berlin. All the poop got scraped to one end and caked to the scraper. It was disgusting!

Yikes! Where’s the horror face emoji when you need one?!


Thanks but that wasn’t my post, I purely linked two previous forum posts about gadgets

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