Overlapping Sits Discussion Post

THS is a platform for listings and people who are interested in the listings and technically enable communication between these parties. THS service ends here. THS’s task is NOT to control the communication. Also NOT to install “equity” of applications. There will ALWAYS be places where people want to sit - and places where people do not want to sit. It is NOT the task of THS to interfer with what people want. And THS will not succeed in doing so, if it wants because I as a sitter will simply not sit in a place where I do not want to be. In the end, I will look for another platform who offers me the freedom to choose according to my own will and who takes me serious as an invidual and a person.


THS is a company. The task of management is to make money. And they have been good at that (100 million GBP).

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… so far. Because they catered to the needs of their customers. Not vice versa. Obviously the new management seems to expect exactly that. I predict they will lose lots of previous long-term customers to other platforms if they continue disregarding their needs.


Hi @BeckyOnTheHill

I just wanted to confirm that there is no new management in place, only new investors, and the day to day running of THS remains the same.

I replied to you on this post just to help clear things up.


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Thanks for clarification. Then it is the new investors’ new policy. The result is the same for their customers - sitters and house owners. Would be great if the old management would put their expertise on the line for the benefit of the customers. Thanks



Hi @BeckyOnTheHill

That’s not the case, apologies if my explanation wasn’t clear!

The overlapping sits update predates the new investment opportunity. They are unrelated.

There is no old management in the sense that the management team at Trusted Housesitters has not changed, as I’ve explained a couple of times, and any changes being made are part of a bigger plan that’s been in place for some time.

This discussion post is about overlapping sits rather than about our investors, who are not connected to any ongoing product changes, so it’d be great if we could get back on topic.



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Thanks again for clarification. I hope the Forum team forwards the many complaints about the new feature to the ones who have the power to change it.

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Thanks for clarifying. If the Forum team doesn’t have the power to make changes to processes, I hope you will make sure that the community’s complaints and suggestions are heard by those who have the power to change processes. I do not need a “safe space” just to discuss things: I am interested in solutions and improvements. Thanks


I think it is clear that THS have no intention of acting on feedback either via the regular surveys nor ad hoc feedback from members.

I am aware that the forum only accounts for around 10% of the total membership of THS and that people tend to complain about things they don’t like rather than commenting on things they are positive about.

However there has been a strength of feeling about not only the overlappings sits policy but also the 5 application limit not to speak of the lack of monitoring of sit offers which enables third parties being present, day sits and those with cameras to “slip through the net” (which I really do now doubt exists).

Surely THS should be at least responding to these concerns with data to back up these changes. Where, for example, is the data to support the 5 application limit? Where is the data about the number of overlap sits where pets were ‘put at risk’ and the apparent necessity to dis-allow these? Without this feedback it is easy to assume that these are purely commercial business decisions and the impact on members is not a priority. If that is the case then perhaps THS should just tell us.


Hi @LizBCN

The purpose of the Forum is to provide a place for members to connect and support each other, although the team has always, and will continue to pass along feedback to the team wherever we can. The Forum team includes people who are sitters and/or owners and want to make sure everyone’s voice is heard wherever possible. But, we are limited in what we can do. We’re not able to request or share company data, and I feel this is in line with many other Forums.

We recently set up the Product Category for sharing important updates and collecting feedback to pass to the Forum team. We can’t always promise that feedback will result in changes, but we always pass feedback along wherever we have the opportunity. Carla explains more about the Product Category here.

The Product team have also encouraged Forum members to take part in beta testing of some forthcoming changes, to help troubleshoot, ahead of the changes going live. There should be other beta testing opportunities in future too. Participating in beta testing gives members the chance to have their voices heard as well.

We understand that people feel strongly about both the five application limit and the overlapping sits update. However, the five application limit has been in place for a couple of years now, and in the case of both updates we have already passed over all the feedback that we can and are unable to continue doing so as it’s been confirmed that no further changes will be made at this time.

We want to keep this discussion open so that people can continue to share their thoughts, but we do need everyone to manage their expectations.

The Forum team worked hard to share feedback and updates for as long as possible but as previously mentioned we will not be able to give any further updates or pass along any further feedback. If that changes in future we’ll be sure to let our members know.


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Thanks for the detailed feedback Jenny. I appreciate the time you take to respond. However it really just confirms my main point - you have sent feedback to the Team and nothing, as far as I can see, has changed. I have also directly contacted member services on a number of occasions as I understand the Forum team can’t influence THS thinking. I think it is time for me to stop responding to these points as I am starting to sound like a broken record.


I have been a member of THS for several years and only recently noticed the 5 application limit - not for the last couple of years. (Please proove me wrong if I am, happy to learn.)

I suggest that THS immediately terminates the membership of those who presumably endangered animals instead of taking the rest of the community into custody.


Hi @BeckyOnTheHill

I just checked and found this update from Ben, our Product Manager, who used to post on the Forum a few years ago. This confirms five pausing as far back as July 2022. So, it maybe isn’t quite as long as I mentioned, but close enough!

As this post is about overlapping sits, I’d be very grateful if we could get this conversation back on track now.



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I have never been able to figure out where to do that (change my location).

I’m sorry Jenny but the day to day running is clearly not the same. I have been a member for 10 years with over 100 verified sits. This policy, which on first glance only has 34 replies is actually the 2nd thread as the previous one with over a 1000 replies was closed down. This policy is completely ridiculous to not allow us as flexible sitters to liaise with flexible homeowners. The response given that it is related to the pet welfare is completely misleading. How can you say you care about a pets welfare when the owner will have to put pet into a cattery or kennels as they can’t find a sitter. Nonsensical. I have now spoken to 3 HO’s who will not be renewing membership and just liaise with their ‘bank’ of sitters from TH. As above at least allow a few days of overlapping for responsible adults to liaise in the interest of the pets welfare.


Hello @Ab.R

Jenny is not online but I can help with this one. The recent Management and business roadmap has not changed with the new investment which is what Jenny is referring to.

It is natural for a business to change over ten years and grow and evolve, team members leave and new ones arrive, thank you for sticking with us during that time! It’s awesome to hear that you have been a member for so long :slight_smile:

The original post with lots of comments was closed as members were saying they were missing important information in all of the comments. This thread was opened so members could see the final summary from the Product team but still have a space to share and discuss.

We also needed to manage expectations that the forum team had passed on all of the feedback, but as there has been a final business decision there is nothing the forum team can do in that respect.

We want everyone to be heard, but there is a limit to what we can do once the feedback has been passed on. I hope that helps set expectations for this thread.

Thank you

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Perfectly put. This rule gives you the feeling as if THS considers its customers children who are not able to liaise with one another. It is a top-down approach and very disappointing. And, most important, it is impracticable.


Our current sit is to end a day earlier than agreed, so we’ll leave tomorrow (29th).

Yesterday evening, a great last-minute sit was posted, commencing 29th. I was frantically requesting MS to chsnge the current sit dates (i was able to provide screenshot proof that the sit was to be shortened by one day). Naturally, by tbe time this was done, the sit had received 5 applications and was reviewing.

Fair enough if the no overlap rule negates sit confirmation, but should it really negate communication, too? If i’d been able to apply, at least there would have been opportunity to explain the situation.


dashboard - my profile - about you - Where are you located? (just below the images)


Thank you!!