Announcing the New Product Category

We’ve listened to all of your helpful feedback and requests about sharing more product updates, making sure that Members are informed ahead of time, and wanting a dedicated place to share information and ask questions about these updates.

As a result, the Forum team are excited to announce the new Product category!

How will it work?

Although he’s not part of the Forum team, many of you already know Ben, one of the Product Managers. He’s been active on the Forum in the past. You might not know there are two additional Product Managers (Lizzie and Jimmy). The team is likely to expand again in the future!

Each Product Manager is in charge of a team who in turn is responsible for different functions and aspects of the website and app.

We want to make sure that the Forum gets the most up-to-date information. We also want to share as much as we can.

@Jenny & @Carla will now be managing the Product category and collecting our Members’ questions and feedback on update threads before sharing it directly with the Product team in weekly meetings. If it’s an urgent question we can try and get a faster answer wherever possible!

Having updates managed by Jenny and me will mean your feedback will be heard more effectively, the questions/feedback will be grouped and sent to the relevant Product Manager, and the answers will be posted by the Community Managers in the thread with the Member who asked each question tagged.

This means our Product Managers can spend time doing what they do best, and Jenny and I can make sure that everything runs smoothly on the thread. Feel free to tag us with any questions, and if we’re able to get you an answer, we will.

What if the post goes off-topic?

I’m glad that you asked! :slightly_smiling_face:

If the conversation goes off topic from the specific product update then Jenny and I will step in and help move the posts to a relevant topic, even creating a completely new topic for those discussions if needed.

Can I post in the Product update category?

Great question, there are lots of available categories that you can post in to ask questions or start discussions on the Forum, however, we want to keep the Product category as tidy as possible and to make sure that the information is easily accessible. In that case, we ask that Members do not post in the Product category. The Forum team will move any posts that appear to the appropriate category.

An example of how this worked previously is the New Review thread, which will be the first thread added to the new category. Watch this space, as there are more updates on reviews and other features coming soon!

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