A friend of mine has just lost her beloved King Charles Spaniel and is absolutely distraught. She came across this Ted talk which may be useful to others
This is really good @Smiley. Thank you for sharing it.
The grief at losing a pet is the reason we chose not to have another. Looking after others pets gives you the joy and interaction you miss without the inevitable heartbreak at the end.
That is exactly the same as me. I just can not bare to go through another death. We look after this dog quite a lot from up the lane, shes moving later on this year though. Everytime we have her she brings us joy.
What an adorably cute dog
I am sorry to read that your friend has lost her pet. When I lost my pet, I also felt distraught and I thought the ache, hurt, and tears would never end. As Dr. Hoggan stated in the video: “The pain of pet loss is real and the grief is valid.”
When I lost my dog, Rocko, I never imagined coming home and him not being there to greet me. I never imagined that I would see empty water and dog bowls that I would no longer need to fill. I never imagined that I would see his dog leash and realize that there would be no more walks to take.
I miss him every day. He brought joy and laughter into my life.
This is Rocko. He was a beautiful gift that God gave me. And I am grateful for all the sweet memories we created and shared.
For anyone who has lost a pet, or has the tough decision of putting their pet to rest–sending my heartfelt condolences.
same here. I can not imagine even hospitalization of a pet or to watch them suffer from illness. Pets can not speak and that is even more painful.
Thank you for sharing, @Smiley - one of my good friends recently lost their lovely cat so I’ve sent this over to her.
I still feel the loss of our senior cat and it’s coming up on 6 years now. I’ve lost other pets, but he was with me from kittenhood for more than 18 years. It’s a big chunk of my life and he was my anchor through many moves and changes.
@Smiley ,
Thank you for sharing. Whether we lose a 2 year old animal or a 20 year old animal…it is never long enough!
Thank you for posting this. We lost our little guy, Jockamo, in February and have been riding the grief wave. It’s reassuring to know that the deep pain is very valid.
We joined THS after losing my beloved house cat Tommy earlier in the year. We’ve said no more pets because I can’t go through losing another pet.