Pet peeve about survey

Hey THS- just a quick note about your recent survey! Several of the questions were specifically about Christmas - Christmas dinner, advent calendars, Christmas presents etc. I’m sure you know that not everyone celebrates Christmas. Reading it, I felt a little like I did as a kid 50 years ago when we only learned Christmas carols and made ornaments in school. Didn’t feel very welcoming to this little Jewish girl!

As Maya Angelou once said, “When you know better, you do better!”
Happy holidays!


Yet another survey - not had the pleasure of that one yet.


Hello, @JudyY Thank you for sharing this feedback with us, I have passed this back to the relevant teams. I hope you have a lovely weekend :smiling_face:

Thank you! I tried to reply directly to the survey, but, of course, couldn’t. I was directed to contact through the website, but I really don’t see any place to do that. Appreciate your getting it to the appropriate people!

Have a lovely weekend as well!


I missed this one and I’m thankful for that.