Hi, I have purchased the premium membership and noticed in the wording of the Accident & Third party Liability plan below:
This Plan is not an insurance policy and is not intended to replace the guarantees of Sitters’ own insurance contracts (which, under our Terms of Service, a Sitter must arrange and have in place before a Sit) or the insurance contracts of Pet Parents (who are required under our Terms of Service to have adequate home insurance, including the occupancy of a Sitter in their home).
Other than travel insurance, as my pet sitting will not done as a business, do I require any other insurance.
I just want to make sure I am covered should anything happen as both my sits are abroad.
Insurance is optional for sitters, at your own discretion. THS means, because their coverage is secondary to hosts’ homeowners’ or renters’ insurance, then THS coverage would be in effect only if those policies were purchased before the sit.
Thanks Maggie, can you recommend any pet sitting insurers which are not for business use?
No. Most of us don’t have sitters’ insurance, because we don’t charge for sits.
Do you own some sort of Third Party Liability insurance? Would that be enough?
Only what is included through Trusted housesitter on the Premium membership
What exactly do you want any insurance to cover?
Like you, I only have Travel Insurance. (My home insurance wouldn’t cover pet sitting)
Home owners’ own insurance should cover anything happening in their house or to their pets, as far as I am aware
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