Posting a Reply to a pet owners review

I know there have been some updates to the app and website, and typically this doesn’t affect our use of either much at all. However, the last 2 sits I did notice my ability to leave a quick ‘thank you for the review’ reply message. At times the ‘reply button’ wasn’t available (website or app), and other times I find the button, post the reply, and it simply doesn’t appear. I have an Apple phone and rarely use the website. Not having any issues posting my detailed feedback after the sit is completed. Perhaps I’m not patient enough, although I prefer to post my reply upon receipt of their review…oh well…it all works out in the end.

This has happened to me, too. I wrote a reply to my last review three times — three times it never got posted. Aggravating.

It is frustrating @Edith. I finally used the website version on my phone, rather than the app. After reposting it a few times, it finally showed up. Not sure what the glitch is?

Thanks for the tip @Joanne. I’ll do it that way.

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How do I reply to an owners review? I can’t seem to see how to do this. Thanks in advance

There should be a reply button directly below the review. To provide feedback, it’s a different procedure.

@Eres It is difficult to find. One needs to go to “Your past sits” and read the HO’s review of you there. Then at the end it shows something like this (in the web interface):

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Ouch! that one hurts…

Is there a time limit to reply to a review ?

Not according to this article…

@Silversitters thanks for finding the info for me. I’m usually resourceful but having an off day :blush: #oneofTHOSEdays