Product update to avoid overbooking sits

Hello everyone!

You might have noticed that this update about overlapping sits has reached over 1000 replies.

To make it a bit easier for members to see Trusted Housesitters’ position on the update, we have decided to close the old post to new replies, and start a new discussion post .

You can find the new discussion post along with the final update from the Product team here.

Because the update has been widely discussed for a while now, and because Trusted Housesitters have given a final response after reading everyone’s thoughts, this new post is for discussion around overlapping sits only and there will be no further updates given or feedback gathered by the Forum team.

We understand that many of our members feel strongly about the update, and while we’ve done our best to give you a voice and pass along your feedback, we’re unable to do this indefinitely.

We do want to give you a space to continue discussing the update, and we’re happy to let it remain open to new replies as long as they are within our Community Guidelines, but on the understanding that the Forum team won’t be actively passing further feedback to the team and won’t be providing any further updates at this time.

If that changes in future, we’ll be sure to let you know.
