Product update to avoid overbooking sits

I know all about the overbooking @Lokstar I was trying to show if we had a way of communicating with the HO eg enquiry button or tickbox and flexibility tickbox to show THS another way of been able to communicate with HO to discuss their sit and whats best for the pets. I’m trying a positive and initiative approach instead of been angry as ive let that go now. The only way to compat problems is with new ideas or use other platforms.

Have a great Christmas day! Its already over for me :grinning:

@Lokstar The main platform I use has a CONTACT THIS OWNER button. Its a great way for communication between sitter and HO.

@Carla Could you also pass on the idea of a CONTACT THIS OWNER button to THS team as part of the new ideas thread. Thank you!

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Oops initiative I mean

I’m a little more optimistic than you about this being “refined” at some future date and/or some of the suggestions: an additional tier for sitter-couples who want it, a flexible date option for HO, easier date changes, maybe even tracking cancellations. Not because THS listens to members, but because they might react to complaints from HOs who leave because they can’t find sitters for their dates, and sitters who leave because they get sits through other means.

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@Cat_Lover a Contact the owner button would indeed by fab. I’ve lost count how many times we’ve had to ‘apply’ just to ask a question. Its a long overdue feature- even more relevant now with the no overlap policy.


Hello @Cat_Lover Thank you for tagging me with this suggestion, I checked the feedback sheet and this one was already on there (contact an owner button) but I will add that it has been requested again for you and any news, especially with the new inbox features I will let you know.
Flexible dates are being looked at and any updates there I will let you know as well.

I hope you also had a lovely Christmas day! :smiling_face:

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Hi everyone!
We recently noticed THS is prohibiting us from being notified and to apply for sits on overlapping dates.

My wife and I are a couple and digital nomads so we have done some sits with overlapping dates so our schedule would be fully covered and of course our commitment with the sits remains and pets are well taken care of.

We really think this is unfair and frustrating for sitters who are well organized and committed to the sits they agree with.

Does anyone feel the same?

I understand THS needs to protect the pets and homeowners so there should be an exception or alternative for sitters like us.

I would love to hear from THS on this matter and anyone who had faced the same challenge and frustration as us.

Thank you and happy holidays!

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@giuliana_elton there is a massive thread on here already about this new, and very unpopular, no-overlapping policy. I don’t know how to direct you to it but I am sure one of our fellow forum members will be able to help… Along with the 5 applicant limit it is another blow for sitters freedom of choice and very restrictive for HOs too…


there are 889 previous comments on this subject on this thread .


Context: I’m guessing they started a new thread and got moved over here.

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A reply for what?

@giuliana_elton Looks like your comment has now been moved to the very long thread that I mentioned above So you should find all the answers here!

I actually don’t like it when questions get merged with long threads. I’m sure there are some members who don’t really go back to those

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I tagged the questioner so hopefully they’ll see that and then scan the thread for answers

Recently, the platform and app has changed. Sitters can no longer apply for sits, even if they have an overlap of one day. As a sitter, I have received several complaints from the pet owners in regards to this fact that they cannot choose a sitter, or they’re not receiving enough applications, and the applications is now faulty. It’s making things rather difficult for both parties And I do not see the benefit that TrustedHousesitters is receiving from this very Now complicated And frustrating experience. Thoughts?


Well said! Very disappointed by this change. THS, please revoke this absurd new policy and enforce the old one if it really was that much of an issue. I’ve had numerous overlapping sits in order to have the least amount of gaps as possible and always provide top quality care without any issues. I’m sure the sitters who double booked and didn’t provide proper care would have received a negative review and THS could follow up with that SMALL minority of sitters instead of penalizing all of us.


Same here. As a couple we have had nearby sits where we can split for a few days to cover overlapping. We recently were on a long sit and a previous sit contacted us to see if we could help them out when they were called out of town. We were able to split for about a week adn everyone benefited.


I am going to make another suggestion/complaint about your format to decide to not allow for overlapped sits and strongly push for the option for the sitters to apply for sits with dates that overlap as it did in the past. Since you instilled this policy into your system, several different owners plans changed before, after, and during sits, and this is quite frustrating, and quite frankly, not respectful of the sitters humanity or caretaking or volunteerism. I have had several owners complain to me that they now can longer use the app correctly with the inability to date change or over and I have messages to prove it. I have one owner to change the date, and overlap and then I was no longer able to confirm sit. I have had another owner change the dates in mid sit and I was no longer able to accept the sit. I had several owners on your platform, come back early and only give me a 4-8 hours notice. This happened with the last sit and tonight I am without a place to stay and my schedule and travel plans have been disrupted, and I have to put up money to be able to have a place to sleep and pay for the gas to travel, etc. and change my travel plans. I’ve even had to change my airplane flight and pay for the change fee because of this. There are times that I have been out, and I’d have to suddenly change my plan or lose my work suddenly and scramble to get back to the house and pack my things, clean the house, clean the cat litter, do their laundry, and make sure everything was completely in order and safe before their return, which, perhaps you are not aware, but it takes about three hours minimum to complete. This is unprofessional and highly stressful. At moments like these, I wasn’t offered m compensation or help to find another sit or place to stay, and I was no longer able to apply for other sits that might overlap by a day or two because your system locked me into specific dates. I was suddenly without a place to sleep, moving things, sweating to hurry under undue stress and my schedule totally disrupted. This is inconsiderate in respect of the sitter and I would highly suggest that you reconsider and dismantle the policy to apply to overlap sits as owners trips and vacation plans, change rather dramatically, and quite often due to weather, illnesses, emergencies, or just their prerogative. And just to know, I even had a pet owner return 12 hours early without notice early in the morning, and I was still in bed sleeping! It was scary, cause I thought someone was breaking in! When I found out it was a the pet owners, I felt it entirely embarrassing to be Disrupted in my sleep with the house that was not ready for there, appearance, and neither was I! I was in my nightgown! Another person came in while I was in the shower! And then another sit the woman’s grandchildren came in and I thought they were breaking into the house they came in several times as it was trying to text the homeowner to reply because I didn’t want to make noise in the house as to not be found out of fear for my safety. I had to leave after they left and again I had no where to stay or be able to apply for sits. I am sure you agree that this is unacceptable so please remove the feature for sitters unable to apply for fear of overlap. Thank you for your understanding, consideration, concern and fixing this major issue. I look forward to your reply.


I am very sorry you had to go through this. I have been through several variations of the same situation myself, and while we must be resilient, respectful and empathetic - such instances cause an extreme level of distress for me as I do not have an emergency /safety net fund for last minute changes. Even if I did, that isn’t really the point. I expressed my concerns about the spectrum of circumstances that often occur in regards to shifting dates. I believe this policy further ties the sitters hands in their ability to be resilient and look after their own safety and well being. Well over 50% of the time, pet parents dates have been established to be “flexible” without specifically stating so - whether at the outset or through unforseen circumstances. That is the nature of travel - life happens. But I do hope they consider that we sitters need all the tools we can get to take care of ourselves, and this policy inadvertently took away one of them. Unless a function is put in place to permanently list pet parents dates to “flexible/open ended” whereby the policy would not apply to said sit, then there should be some form of accountablility for the pet parent in listing innacurate dates or changing dates after a sit is agreed upon. I am personally very happy with THS in general, but the above story illustrates a common theme and the level of distress it can cause must be taken seriously.

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Like many, many, many of the other comments - I’m just here to say this isn’t a beneficial product update for the HOs or sitters.

As most others have already stated, almost all of my sits are never the actual posted dates. And sometimes HOs have more flexibility than the dates they’ve posted - again, about half of my sits the HO agreed to change their dates to ones that worked for me because they specifically wanted me to sit.

But now, I can’t apply to certain listings and have that conversation with them - which leaves HOs without sitters and sitters without homes.

There are other ways to prevent double bookings. Instead of graying out the date so you can’t apply - the application should simply have a notification attached to it alerting the HO that the sitter is busy with another sit (and the dates of the sit that they’re busy with). That way it’s all open & transparent and the HO & sitter can all just have a conversation about it and create a solution that works.

Also, the process to change dates after a sit has been confirmed really does need to be addressed. It is not user friendly at all and a lot of the people I sit for aren’t great with technology so they just don’t change dates. Which was fine up until this product update. My upcoming sit I had to drive 40 minutes out to the HO residence to help her change the dates just so it didn’t interfere with other sits.