My post-2019 reviews are not showing up at all in the app.
Hi @Katie I checked mine and they’re displaying properly. I’ll tag @Therese and she’ll connect with you when she’s next online. You might want to direct message her (click on her @ name) and send her the details of your device, in case she needs to refer it to the tech team.
The same thing happened to me. Have you scrolled all the way back? The reviews on the app are out of order. When I wrote to Membership services about this, they didn’t have an explanation.
Have you tried uninstalling the app, then reinstall. This worked for me for missing Reviews.
Hi @Katie. I just checked your sitter profile on my phone (Android) and saw three post-2019 reviews, the same number as I see when I look at your profile on the website. So the issue isn’t universal and may be with the app on your phone. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling it?
I had the same issue and reported it in to THS support, they said it was limited to 21 reviews on the app (which is where I was at the time) but the missing review mysteriously appeared a couple of hours later so not quite sure if I was told a little porky and they have some sort of problem.
Thanks. Uninstalling/reinstalling worked to restore the recent reviews.
Yay! Thanks for letting us know @Katie.