Saved Searches & Site Functionality

@Snowbird the Saved Search post would have been closed off, this was a collective team decision. The reason for reopening this thread was to include other matters of discussion around site functionality as indicated by the change of topic title.

Hello Ben. I’m glad to see that we are able to once again provide feedback to you on this topic.

I have seen some suggestions that clearly show people who have IT experience and wisdom. Having that type of feedback from people who are also homeowners and/or sitters surely is priceless. I am not in that category, but have given more thought to the points you’ve mentioned. I’ve reflected on how I’ve lived my life since the pandemic started.

I am on many travel email subscriptions, unrelated to house sitting. During the pandemic, even though I could not travel, I have not unsubscribed as I didn’t want to go to the effort of finding these resources and subscribing again. Initially I read them, as a source of ‘armchair travel’. However, as the inability to travel dragged on, I just deleted these emails without opening them, which is out of character for me. I hadn’t thought about the effects on the companies’ data review and analysis. Now I realize it, and realize how it then created such skewed data. No doubt this type of action has also skewed THS data, so keeping that in mind when considering change is important.

Another reason for unread emails may be that currently members can only subscribe or unsubscribe from emails - a simple yes or no to receiving them. You’ve acknowledged that THS has grown, and no doubt the company is at a point where there needs to be an expansion of that option. I can’t imagine paying for a membership and then unsubscribing from any contact. However, I can imagine that many might want to keep their membership but not receive certain emails. Hence the suggestion of categories for email subscriptions seems to me to be an effective and efficient resolution. I hope you are now hearing that, loud and clear, from those who make the effort to contribute here. :slightly_smiling_face:


Saved Searches : since I have started to use these, I have realised that I have not “favourited” any listings. This is because I have narrowed the searches to the dates where I am available. I am therefore not seeing the dates that I cannot do.
I have always consulted the listings as @Flora and @Amparo do, I am merely illustrating that “Saved Searches” have their drawbacks.


I feel like a stuck record @Ben-ProductManager but I struggle to believe that there are many more listings, per day, now than there were before the pandemic. If twice daily emails worked then, why do they not work now?
The email doesn’t need to be ‘scalable’ just what we had before. If there really are that many more listings separate emails per continent would be quite acceptable.
I don’t think anyone is expecting an email of all available sits, just new listings. It was one of my biggest selling points to prospective members, both owners and sitters… “We get two emails per day of all the new listings, it’s great to see what is available out there…”
How many listings are posted per day?
How many homeowners are currently not being able to select a sitter?

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Today I received a Ben-TH email that says ‘For members with no saved search we have set up a domestic saved search for you. So that you continue to receive all our latest sit opportunities, you’ll soon start to receive these emails, with a daily round-up of all the latest domestic sits added to the site.’
What does it mean by ‘domestic’? The country in the address on one’s TH account?

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Yes I would think that is correct. Domestic would refer to your own country. It is an interesting email though. I would have liked it much better if it was worded: “Would you like us to set up a domestic saved search for you?” as some people may have CHOSEN to not get more emails. ???

@peach I think (but will clarify today) if you’ve already opted out of these types of emails, you won’t receive them. If I’m wrong I will report back :slight_smile:

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I have found the email from Ben extremely confusing.
Q1. If I just have 2 saved searches, could I have this "Domestic " one as my third one?
Q2. If weekly and daily emails have stopped because the content is too large, surely these "Domestic " daily emails could be too large?

Hi All … I have found that the best way to have your own worldwide daily alert is to make a Saved Search for Anywhere … but you do need to add a date set … eg 1 Dec 2021 to 31 Dec 2022 and then save and name this. (Anywhere - 2022) This essentially gives you all the new listings in a daily email. (best to set this up on the website as opposed to the App). You can naturally amend or delete this at any time.
Please do try this and let us know how it works for you. Warm regards Therese


Sounds good! I LOVE my daily updates but know of others who do not. Lovely to have a choice!

Hi @NGC I have moved your post to this thread which covers site functionality questions and conversations and will remove the duplicate post.

Thank you

This is the “Site functionality” thread which is the most appropriate topic for your feedback and suggestions.

Thank you