Saving Multiple Searches

Hi everyone :slight_smile:

Is it possible to save parameters so that I could have active searches for say
London between dates A and B
Scotland between dates C and D

I can’t see where it’s possible to save any search paremeters at all. Each time I go in, I have to start over with dates and locations even though I have them set in my profile…??

Step One

Step two. Hope that helps.

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thank you :slight_smile: I have done both of those things. It’s more asking if the settings can be saved? a bit like trip advisor… I have my locations saved, with the dates and each trip is listed separately so I can go in and search for things to do in just that area…
Each time I log into THS I have to start from scratch…

Sorry, I’m not allowed to attach more than one image:

Then it looks like this, and you’ll get notifications when a new sit that meets your criteria is added.


ah ok maybe I have missed something! Thank you so much!!

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