Schedule of Product Updates/Requests and #Votes?

To my knowledge, one part of Discourse/THSF functionality is that a member can raise product updates and all members can vote on perceived product updates. This may help THS to identify, and to prioritize, requested product functions from customer perspective.

Q- is there a location of the THSF that lists product updates/requests and the number of votes cast to date by members?

With a new year underway, it would seem timely that THSF members try to help THS to identify and to prioritize development features. If there were such a list then weā€™d be happy to reflect on each topic and to add our vote(s) to seemingly beneficial ideas.


It would also be helpful if THS did take notice of the things weā€™ve asked for over the years. Having recently posted about request for an ā€˜unfavouriteā€™ or blocking button when coming across sits during searches that arenā€™t of interest, I noticed I had one more vote left. Surely more votes should be given each year, although useless if THS takes no notice anyway.

As @Smiley says, it would be helpful if THS took notice of what members want.
In my opinion, these Voting Buttons are meaningless

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Yes I remember the forum having a vote on the 5 application limit which resulted in the majority wanting to scrap it. The vote button was quickly removed.
That vote went well!!


@Smiley, interesting. Iā€™ve certainly gleaned some malcontent over recent months on THS Forum in regards THS being tardy, or worse, in product updates (features, policies, etc). Irrespective, I was curious on which suggestion topics had been flagged by customers (PP/HS) and their relative popularity.

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They donā€™t fix even the simplest requests. Examples are the missing legend/key on the availability calendar or the search for EU or for ā€œEurope minus UKā€. To me this suggests that THS has mostly lost the capability to modify their web interface.

Sometimes there is a change, most recently the messaging/application module that was replaced by something new. And astonishigly, even there they donā€™t respond to complaints anymore. So my guess is that the person/contractor who made that module is gone. Or that it was a ā€œprojectā€ that was ā€œcompletedā€ and no work is done anymore.


It is my sense that THS doesnā€™t care about our feedback or needs. They change what they want, when they want, and how they want, no matter the impact on sitters and hosts. I donā€™t think voting will make any difference.