Search criteria wish list

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Date Filters working?

Is there some way to do a search that adds criteria together? For instance, I would like to do sits with horses, so I do a search with that filter and see only horses. Fine but then I add dog to that and only get dogs and no longer see horses, even after scrolling through MANY pages. What I really want is a search of horses AND dogs.
Can that be done?

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Yes :kissing_heart:
After you apply your filters (dates, location, pets yada yada *new species) save your criteria.
Have fun @Edith

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@Edith Do you want to see sits with both horses and dogs at the same sit? Or do you want to see sits with horses, sits with dogs, and sits with both? The logic behind the search is a little different - Horses AND dogs / Horses OR dogs. I’m not sure whether the THS search will show by default AND or OR as I don’t filter by animal myself.

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I want the AND functionality. If I search for horse, the results show only horses, which of course leaves out MANY sits, because most people also have a dog, a cat, chickens, etc. as well. When I add dog, or dog and cat to the search, I get results with just those pets — the horses disappear.

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Thanks, Amparo, I’ll try again, but I do think it’s the difference between AND and OR in the search parameters.

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Hi @Edith The search should bring up both horses and dogs, depending on the listing, they could be listed together or separately.

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@Amparo - that doesn’t work to show listings with horses AND dogs, which is what @Edith wants. It just shows listings with horses OR dogs.

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It didn’t seem to (I got tons of sits with just dogs), but I’ll spend more time trying to figure it out. Thanks, Therese. Come visit me in Nice!




@Amparo Are you watching a deep-sea creature?!

This might have been mentioned already but I would like to be able to search by city and country - not just one at a time, but a combination of various cities in various countries, or various countries.

A search by continent would be good too. Currently on the desktop version, I can’t do a search on Europe or Asia as continents, but I can do a search on Australia as a country (even though it is actually a continent).

I agree that AGAs (and similar types of ovens) are great. I bake bread every week so it was very nice to find an AGA-type oven/stove at one of the cat sits I did in 2022. I think it was an ESSE brand.

Looking at alternative premium cat food for a very finicky cat.

Why has this been removed?

After being on the site for years, it was great to finally be able to search for a house-sit in EUROPE, rather than having to use the map function.

PLEASE reinstate this!!!


Hello @moi I would like to wish you a warm welcome to the forum community and thank you for your first contribution to the forum. You can also use the spyglass to search for other topics and discussions.

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Best wishes Carla

Oh what a ripper of an AGA, we have not used a Wood fired one, My love of AGA’s is such that I purchased 2 during lockdown, I know right, who the heck needs 2, I picked a really good, very old Oil fired one and one a Gas one that had been left outside for several years, we packed the Oil one into storage, hopefully for a Narrowboat in the near future and the Gas one, after my Hubby refurbed it, we put in at our Work, it’s our heating, dry’s any wet or damp work clothes, dries the rags that we reuse, heats up the kettle for cups of tea and heats lunches, we even put a pot of soup on the simmer plate in the mornings and have a yummy soup for everyone to share, everyone loves it. It’s so sad they cost so much to run and people are removing them and selling them off. Glad you got the hang of it, fantastic that they used to heat the hot water too, wonderful idea. x


Hello everyone
It would be really nice to add a search criteria to our search function.
I suggest a “And” “Or” system where we can indicate a must have (ie, horse) and anything else.
This will take some frustration away from sitters’ searches.

Your programers will understand what I’m thinking.