Searching for a sit by dates on the website

Hi sitters, just wondering would anybody else find it useful to have a drop down menu on the website that allows you to sort your housesit search results in different ways? For example, ‘most recently posted’ or by ‘start date’.There may already be a way to do this, so please let me know if I just haven’t figured it out yet! Thanks


Hi @SP80 there are filters on the Find A Sit page … Dates, Duration, Pets etc

I think @SP80 means to have a drop down where you can sort the results by different criteria.

Personally I think that it would be really useful to be able to sort the results by start date as well as by recently posted.


@ChrisAndSuzeGoWalkies that’s exactly what I was meaning. We used to be able to see the results in date order which we always found useful. In the latest website update it changed to most recently posted but it would be nice to have the option to change how we see the results.


Thanks and apologies @SP80 it was this “There may already be a way to do this, so please let me know if I just haven’t figured it out yet! Thanks” which threw me … I do understand what you mean and should have left the answer to @ChrisAndSuzeGoWalkies

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That would be handy @SP80. I’ve never thought to need it because there are so few sits when I search for my criteria :slightly_frowning_face:
Anyway; put it in the “Feedback and Ideas” section & see if others agree?


Perhaps I don’t follow: I have saved searches by date, by place, and by date and place. The option already exists?

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Hi @Saltrams, thanks for the feedback. How do I add it to the feedback and ideas section? Will I need to start a new conversation or can I move this conversation into that section?

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:wave:t3: Just write a new post in that category. I believe only admins have the capability to shift entire threads (and I’ve not noticed them do it ever :woman_shrugging:t3:)


Yes @SP80 i agree ! I’d love a filter for dates, annoying it doesn’t have the function. I also want a ‘must have’ pets filter so I can select ‘must have horses’ it would be so useful to find all those sits with horses out there!