Searching on main site

Something has changed and I don’t know if it’s just me, but I can’t seem to find where to search for a sit! LOL, maybe I just need more coffee.

Normally I click “Find a House Sit” at the top menu bar, but now it just takes me to this screen. I am logged in.


OK that’s weird. I tried it about 5 times in a row, clicked around to a few different links, tried it twice more and suddenly the regular search page opened.

So it’s all good now. Was it just me??

How strange … yes mine seems to be working as normal in a couple of different browsers. Maybe just one of those Sunday glitch moments. Let us know if you have any more problems. Enjoy your next coffee!!

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I’ve had an issue where it says I am logged in, but when I try to search for a sit it doesn’t go anywhere. Then I log out and log back in and it is fine.


Yeah, it must have been something weird like that. It’s funny because I tried a number of things before posting here. Ah well, at least it’s working now. :)|

PS Welcome to the forum!

I think I’ve had a similar issue to that @tlubkin describes. Occasionally it shows me as logged in but when I try to search it acts as if I am not! This has happened a couple of times, usually when I’ve been logged in for a few days. Logging out and back in fixes it.

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Hi @tlubkin welcome to our community forum and thank you for posting and highlighting minor tech issues you’ve had, we can pass this on to the tech team and although we have had no widespread issues reported feedback is important and really appreciated as we want everyone to have the best website user experience.

Enjoy connecting with other members and do let us know where you have joined us from …

Angela and the Team