Single sitters

No it wasn’t but it’s a good one! I knew you’d know. The one I was thinking of was about a year ago. Plenty of tips here though. :pray:

Hi @Karen65 ,

I’m a homeowner and your post struck a chord so I’ll share something about my last sitter with you.
Usually, I prefer to have two sitters come to my home but I had many single sitters send me applications that I finally agreed to a single sitter. This sitter told me how independent she was and that she had traveled all over the world by herself and really had no issues about staying in a countryhouse on her own as she herself grew up in the countryside. But she then asked if her sister could visit for a few days. So I met with her sister in a video chat, and she seemed quite nice and mature, so I agreed. When I returned home, I found out our sitter had been absolutely terrified of being alone especially since she was stuck inside for a few days with a rainstorm. I thought she did a fantastic job with my home and pets, and wrote her a great review, but I felt terrible that she experienced so much discomfort staying alone in the house. I felt that we initially had a great connection, but when I returned, she was so stressed out she ended up falling ill and staying in bed all day (she wasn’t stressed about the petsitting – she was stressed about being alone in the house as it was bigger than she expected).
This never happened with any sitters before, but it made me realize that some single sitters can get lonely no matter how independent they are. We’ve had a couple of other single sitters who made friends with locals at the nearby coffee shop or explored the area on their own, but this recent sitter seemed to experience a lot of fear.
That said, some people love to snuggle up with a book or watch tv or play with the animals, but if you need human company, I would make sure there are some social activities nearby.
All the best :smiling_face:


Poor woman, and how very understanding and kind of you


Oh how awful for the sitter. I live on my own and am very comfortable with my own company. I have travelled on my own quite extensively. I actually enjoy rainstorms from the safety of indoors😜. So I’m sure a rainstorm will not spook me.
I am extremely social and while I will never invite anyone into a house I’m sitting I know I will be socializing with people in a cafe, pub, church or on the walks with the dogs. I love all things English and will be interested to explore the local churches and graveyards, it’s very interesting reading tombstones from 100 or more years ago.
Also I will have the option of calling friends through Whatsapp. I know some night owls in Oz who will fit in with daylight times in the UK. My daughter lives in Zurich and I have several friends in Italy…all an hours difference in time.
I am a morning person and know that by late afternoon I’m ready to settle with a book or TV.
I will be fine but was going through a moment🤔


To all you lovely people who replied to my “moment” re single sitter / loneliness.
Everyone’s response was positive with kind thoughts and ideas. I know I will be ok.
I’m an adventurer and gets excited with all things different to my norm. I know the walks I do with the dogs will be extremely pleasurable as I go past the neighbours and admire their gardens (so different from Sydney flora). I marvel at the different smells in the air, the colours of the roofs. I will immerse myself in the tapestry of the place where I’m sitting and become a local for that period in time.
I will be ok. It will be nice to meet other sitters who may be local at the same time. But if it does not happen I know I will still be ok.
Will remember to put in a post after my first sit


One of my own. I call them Karenisms. I also say “septic” instead of "sceptic":stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Sounds like you will be fine :blush:

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Hi again @Karen65
It would be lovely to meet up with you if possible. Why don’t you put the dates and places where you’ll be sitting under the ‘Meet ups’ category here?


Alone—but not lonely. I love the freedom and independence of going where I want, when I want without the influence of others.


I want to solo travel but my husband and kids always want to join in. I do have my first hubby, daughter, and me dogsit next week. My boys will be at their grandparents. Yay, I’m hoping for a more quiet petsitting experience


Initially, i read that as though you were staying next week with your first hubby, i.e. ex and I was very surprised :grinning:

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Well that’s what it looks like, otherwise why would she say “first hubby”? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I think it should read ‘my first house/pet sit along with my hubby and daughter….’


I was on that ride too! Organised by CamCycle. I found out about it by looking at notice boards as soon as I arrived in Cambridge. The previous day I got up at 4:30 AM for a Dawn Chorus walk, meeting at the local nature reserve and led by a knowledgeable birdsong volunteer. Both activities were free, with lots of participants, many happy to chat.


Too early for me… tonight I was at the Cambridge Folk Club and listen to a conversation with Peggy Seeger (a sister of Pete). She is 88 and still going strong!

The HO has returned, tomorrow I will be heading towards Nottingham.

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@Hallt64 Lol! I just reread my post and your right, it does look like my first hubby and not my first petsit with my hubby and daughter.


I travel alone and wouldn’t have it any other way! You get to do what you like when you like. :slight_smile: I spent 3 mos in UK & IRE, solo, and had a wonderful time. I’m comfortable talking to strangers, so I met people here and there. It all depends on your personality. If you’re an extrovert, it might be challenging, but it’s a good challenge to be comfortable in your own head.

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Hi @garden.gnome
I have been a solo traveller for a few years and really enjoy it. I was going through a “moment” when I posted on this forum. I was in a not so clean sit and the weather was foul.
I came out of that “moment” pretty quickly and bounced back with my confidence and eagerness to do my travel and exploring on my own.
I am very comfortable talking with strangers and only a couple of days ago started a conversation with a 90 yo gent on a sunny bench at a beach in Sydney. Turns out he came from Somerset and knew the exact location I will be sitting at. So there…go figure.
Thank you to everyone who responded with positive reassurances