Sit Cancellation Plan advice

Hi. I had a listing confirmed, and the sitter cancelled 5 days before the starting date. Now, what can I do? As a premium member, I can avail of the sit cancellation plan. Of course, I put my listing back online and am also reaching out to sitters. What I care about the most is, of course, finding someone kind and caring for my pets. Now, I see that I could also look and pay for someone to take care of my cats, but I don’t have much money at the moment, and I would offer payment only if I am sure I will get a refund from THS. Any advice or experiences?

Welcome to the forum @beatrice . This is a stressful situation to be in . Did the sitter give a for cancelling at short notice.

You can contact member support on the urgent support line straightaway so that they have a record of the sitter cancelling - they can talk you through the process of making a claim for alternative care of your pets .

I believe you have to notify them straight away about the cancellation and they will ask you to send them screenshots of the messages from your sitter when they cancelled .

The urgent support phone line is available 24/7 and the number is on your dashboard .


I will ask @Jenny or @Therese to link your listing so sitters can see it here and hopefully someone may be available at short notice to help out :crossed_fingers:

thank you, you are very kind. but I am in a rush so I managed to find a friend who will come for a fee, and then I am planning to claim the fee back under the cancellation plan. fingers crossed

@beatrice I am happy to know that you have found a solution .
To make a successful claim you must follow all the procedures which start with informing THS of the cancellation within 24 hours with proof that sitter cancelled.

”Pet Parents must notify TrustedHousesitters within 24 hours of a Sit being cancelled and provide correspondence that confirms the cancellation”

Your friend must provide receipts for you to make a claim .

Member services will talk you through the process to ensure your claim is successful.

Full T&Cs of the T&Cs are here :

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I hope everything works out for you @beatrice and THS accepts an ‘invoice’ from a friend.

As long they provide a proper receipt then a friend looking after the pets is fine -it must still be at your home and it can’t be done by a family member .