Sitter profiles

I’ve noticed that in the last few weeks it’s not possible to view other sitters’ profiles on a listing. Someone once mentioned that’s it’s nice to see who previous sitters were on a listing and if the homeowners gave them a review. I also find it nice to know that if I’m interested on applying on a sit. When I click on the name of a previous sitter on a listing it just takes me to a blank screen. Has this changed recently or a glitch?

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@Globetrotter This for me is hit or miss, sometimes I see reviews, and at other times, it’s a blank screen.

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Hi @Globetrotter I will tag @Therese and she can help you with this when she is back online tomorrow

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If you hit the reload button when you see the blank screen, the page usually loads.


Thank you for the tips @mars ! It works !

@Globetrotter we have had the same issue for the last couple of days, it was absolutely fine before then.

Thanks Angela!

Thanks Mars - I just tried and it works!

Hi @Angela_L, @Therese and @Globetrotter, I, too, have this same problem and it’s been like this for a couple of weeks easily. I have to use the app if I want to read reviews by HO on sitters. Before it used to be we couldn’t read the reviews on the app but could on the website; now it’s the other way around.

Hi @temba will tag @Therese who will pick this up for you when she is back online. Thank you.

Side note: I think if a sitter has let their membership lapse, you will not be able to see their reviews etc

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You’re quite right about that, @Kelownagurl.

Hi @Globetrotter @mars @Joanne @mars @Françoise-et-Youn @Samox24 @temba @Angela_L
I have sent a message to our tech team to look at as it should load immediately without having to keep refreshing/reloading. What I would also like to suggest is that from time to time, you clear your browser cache and cookies, it often helps with the general functionality of not only our website, but all the websites you visit. I hope this helps a bit. Kind regards Therese


Oh … just on the other note. I have just had a reply from tech and they are aware of the issue and will be fixing this as soon as they can. Thanks for your patience. Therese