Sitters! Do you ever use the Find A Sitter page?

Happy Friday sitters!

We are looking at the sitter navigation currently in the Member Experience team and we have a quick question…

Do you ever use the Find A Sitter page?

If so, why?


Yes! When I want to find a particular person, when I want to see who is active in a particular area, when I want to see the profiles of people who have left reviews, when I am feeling curious :smiley: and when I want to see how others are setting up their profiles who have been very successful.
Great question.

Hi! :wave:t4:


@ArjunaTHS Yes, I do sometimes. Why?

  • To try to see the experience owners have when viewing sitters. I do that on both the website and the app, and with different browsers. I’ve recently found that different browsers seem to give different displays. :thinking:

  • To see what affects the order of sitters displaying in my local area.

  • To see if I know anyone locally who is also a sitter, and I did find someone I know but didn’t know they are a sitter here.

  • To see how my friend is doing since she joined - whether she’s enjoying her sits (as sometimes we forget to catch up on our sits as we have so much else to talk about).

  • To see if people who have asked me locally about being a sitter have ever joined. Yes, some have, and I was pleased to see that.


Yes, I use it for all sorts of different reasons.


Yes, to show others who are considering joining what sitters are in their general area and so they can see their reviews.

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Yes, as others have already said, for a myriad of reasons: to compare local sitters in same area as we are; past sitter reviews; to review more experienced sitters’ profiles; to review our profile so we know what it appears like to HOs; etc.

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Absolutely! And for all the reasons @Amparo and @Snowbird have mentioned! You will see I started a new thread when I noticed the Find A Sitter layout had changed when using my computer - not for the better for either owner or sitter (I have a combined membership) and my reasons were expressed there.


Thanks for all your replies over the weekend.

Sounds like there are some uses to it on the sitter-side which is good to know. :slight_smile:

We are always looking to look at ways of improving the navigation on the site, and want everything within it to be relevant to our members.

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