Sitters - please share how you got started on THS

It was 2018 and I was bored and ready for something different. I had been a solo traveler for work and personal joy for decades. When I retired I had absolutely no idea what to do with myself so I emptied out my savings, shoved the cash in the console of my truck and took off with the sole purpose of doing nothing except explore my home state of Florida and read the hundreds of books I had been collecting and never seemed to have time for.
I literally lived out of my truck for about 6 weeks. It was amazing.
In conversation with my daughter, a vet tech and international pet sitter for several years, she suggested I give a try. I thought she was nuts and l told her “who would want me? That’s for young people”.
“MOM, try it” (insert eye roll)
I did.
Loved it.
Started locally and became full time and fully booked 6 months out almost immediately. Then I got my first sit in the UK and the world opened like an avalanche of goodness.
I joined the forum years afterwards and met my first fellow sitter @toml at our own private meet up and then again in London where we met with I believe 18 or so of some of the most wonderful people. We had so much fun.
It made me realize that I, my own color of crazy, was just right.
I am very okay with that.